"A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend."-Unknown
"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place."-Bender from The Breakfast Club
"Read to your heart's content. Though if you are a reader, the heart is never content."-from Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard
"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place."-Bender from The Breakfast Club
"Read to your heart's content. Though if you are a reader, the heart is never content."-from Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Oh one more thing before I go
I don't have time now, but you can bet on me making a long-ish post about Stay by Deb Caletti. I have much to say about this book and I thank M very much for choosing it for the swap because *insert drum roll here* ..............it has made number 14 on my List of 55!!! Yes, it was that amazing. Okay now I really must go, but I just thought I'd share that news with you lovely folks before parting.
Predictability can be my new best friend
Hey all! This post can't be too long because I have finals I need to continue studying for (lucky I only have five finals and I already have two out of the way). I probably going to do a happy dance at the end of this week to celebrate. Anywho!!! I have like four-ish books checked out from the library that I haven't touched since last week (I hate finals for that). Anyway I finished my science final with a lot of time to spare so I started reading one of the smaller books I had checked out. I picked it up purely because the title caught my eye. I love titles that are direct, but yet still interesting. For example I read a book with the title "One of Those Hideous Books Where the Mother Dies." See? Very direct, but still has you interested on what spin the author is going to put on the story. Same goes for this book, "If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince?" by Melissa Kantor. From the very beginning of the book I've had the ending pegged. I'm not sure if it's because the book is that predictable or I'm just that good at guessing when it comes to books (also movies &some TV shows)...actually it could be a perfect balance of both.While usually I hate books that are easy to predict I enjoyed this one and it was a nice break from the stress of finals. It was adorable, cute and just what I needed. I recommend this if any of you are looking for a chill read or just a book to hold you over. It doesn't make the List of 55, but it definitely was very cute which I enjoyed :)
P.S- to M if you're reading. I have "Stay" in my locker if you ever want to drop by to get it & sorry, but I have not gotten to reading the other book you've lent me, but I'll have plenty of time over break (if only it'll get here sooner :p).
Okay, I'm off to immerse myself in wonderful studying (please, put me out of my misery). Until next time lovely, fellow bookworms.
P.S- to M if you're reading. I have "Stay" in my locker if you ever want to drop by to get it & sorry, but I have not gotten to reading the other book you've lent me, but I'll have plenty of time over break (if only it'll get here sooner :p).
Okay, I'm off to immerse myself in wonderful studying (please, put me out of my misery). Until next time lovely, fellow bookworms.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
M & K: A Book Swap Extravaganza
hello all! we realize that a book swap is WAY overdue, but just be glad to have it at all. school is crazy for both of us and we haven't had sufficient time to get together. anyway, ONWARD!
So, the guy next to us is watching a video of a tv show or movie and it's very distracting. I keep glancing over and probably seem like a total creeper, but hey!....Yeah I didn't have anything to make that better. haha it's true, she is being a little creepy with her furtive glances toward his screen. come to think of it, this is the most full i've ever seen this room (our public library's computer lab). K, what do you think, character analysis of our neighbors?? Well the guy next to us obviously has good taste in shows because whatever he's watching is really good (and I can't even hear the dialogue). Then there's the women I saw the other day who has the most adorable baby ever!!! He's sleeping, but that's probably best for a library. Oh! A friend of mine is in here. I would say his name, but I don't want to call him out. He's on the opposite wall behind us. So that's cool I guess. There's a man, he's very jittery...well kinda...okay his leg keeps bouncing so :p Everyone else seems pretty normal...for now. of course, because everyone seems normal at first. even the hypothetical mass murderer/child molester down the street seems normal until he asks you to get candy from his white van with suspiciously tinted windows. my point being, all these people are weird, whether we realize it or not....just hopefully none of them try killing me. Um, or your lovely friend sitting right next to you. I do agree with all of them being weird...it actually sounded like something that could possibly be in a Dessen novel...eh...no....maybe I just want to read a book of hers'....yup that could be it. Especially since I haven't really had time to read much since school started. meow. hehe, I love doing that. I kept pausing like I was done, but nope.....meow. Okay sorry I'm done. My brain is honestly all over the place. Oh! On another note: I do apologize for not posting sooner than this. I do have a lot to catch you guys up on. I shall try to post...um....Sunday? Or Monday....we'll see, but I will post soon :) Daaaaaanggg that guy's music is loud. THIS IS A LIBRARY FOR HEAVENS SAKE!!! We take pride in remaining silent during our book swaps, i think other people should have the same consideration. oh wait, he got in trouble, nevermind. justice has been done. Anyway, now onto books...so for the book swap last time, K gave me Girl V. Boy by Yvonne Collins & Sandy Rideout. I already reviewed this book here so i won't waste space here and do it again. however, it was great. nuff said. So, to repay the favor and hopefully give K something that she will love as much as i do (which will be pretty difficult given how awesome i think this book is) i have chosen................*the ellipsis indicates your mental drumroll, we're in a library after all!*..............................................Stay by Deb Caletti. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Okay, so I always see this book whenever I go to the book store and I always want to get it, but usally don't. Meaning I've been wanting to read this book for a while now. So, hopefully I will enjoy it as much as M did :) Okay so M just pointed out that at the bottom of the cover it says "Perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen" -Booklist. Honestly?!?! It's a sign!!! Haha, okay so last night...I think it was last night, but not the point. I texted M asking about Greek mythology. Well, it wasn't a pointless question. I was doing it to see what book I would share next with her. So I have brought................."Oh. My. Gods" By Tera Lynn Childs. Personally I think M will love it because
1. The main character is a runner
2. There's a good little love story going on
annnnnnnnndddddddddddd because the Greek mythology involved is actually pretty cool. However, this is coming from a person who can spend hours reading the stuff. I don't believe in it, but I just think it is so awesome. I got K's text last night (or whenever) and was very unsure because i knew that it meant she would be bringing me some mythology book. the mental image i got was some thick, tan, volume with words in it like "thither". not exactly my ideal pleasure read. Needless to say i was pleasantly surprised when she pulled this one "out of the hat" (and by hat i mean backpack, but it was for literary purposes, cut me some slack). Upon looking at the back to figure out what the heck a fiction novel like this had to do with Greek mythology, i found out that this girl RUNS XC!! i kinda freaked out a little as K watched. i'm sorta excited now to read it after reading the *how dare he! this guy's phone just rang. ONCE AGAIN this is a library. need i spell it out for you??? L. I. B. R. A. R. Y. (boy, wouldn't it have been embarrassing if i had misspelled that?!) meaning no noise or minimal noise. sorry, back to the point* synopsis. we shall see... So, K what did you think of Girl at Sea?? So I really should *M is going to murder someone if their phone goes off again...oh my...she's the murderer she was referring to earlier....I'm going to die D: * *no, you aren't gonna die. he is. also, K can't type today, and neither can i....it's been a long week* *agreed, back to the point* So I really should have like typed up my opinion earlier so I could just copy and paste, but I didn't so shame on me. Anywho, I would like to say that I love the main characters name. "Clio" it's not over used and it just was cool to me. I honestly enjoyed this book. I had moments of frustration with Clio though because she was in total denial about her feelings!!! I mean...okay so I had to back track for a moment because I almost gave stuff away :o Nope, not on my watch. Anywho I shall just say that I really liked the book, the plot, the characters and the underlying stories. Okay...I actually didn't fully enjoy that they were at sea....deep depths of water...me not being the best swimmer...bad images *insert my shudder here* Fudge I forgot what I was going to say...well I guess we'll have to wait and see if it comes back to me. Oh and on a side note I'm pretty sure what the guy next to us was watching was Once Upon A Time...I think...I should ask, but then he'd know I was creeping on him. I love that show! i haven't exactly watched any of this season's episodes, but they're on my DVR at home for later because i have no free time, but when i find some, i will be watching them. but it didn't really look like that to me on his screen...it looked more fantasy-based...but what do i know? i wasn't exactly creeping like K was. I've only seen one episode and that was more because I was at a friend's house and his mom insisted that I would love it (I would have liked it more if I wasn't so confused- it was mid season :p). However, I do intend to watch it when I get the chance. Maybe winter break if my teachers aren't evil and decide to give me homework. if i had the first season readily available, i would invite you over for a marathon to get you educated, but i sadly do not. maybe i can procure (props to M for the SAT vocab word!) it from someone? a friend and fellow Once Upon A Time watcher? watchee? idk. Eh, i think either could work. So we must see who else watches the show and pray they have it on DVD. Then we will beg them to let us borrow it :D I don't know why, but I just had the image of me standing on a hill with a cape and crown while holding up the DVD....yup, it's been a long week. ummmm is this really what you think about during the day??? and i thought my mind was weird and messed up.... haha, well my mind never stays focused on one thing for too long...except for in my block class...I'll explain that to you later though. So, I guess to answer your question simply...yes :) Ok unrelated i know, but i realized that i haven't ranted about the book i just finished or the book i'm currently reading. So for AP Lit i had to choose a book off "The AP List" *picture some British gentleman reading this in a pretentious tone with a look of disgust thrown to any and all in....normal English* for my SSR book and i chose Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (i would add the umlat on the e of her name, but i can't on the Internet). Now, me and this book have history together......i started it last year for fun (bad idea) and ended up quitting after about 100 pages. however, i told myself that i would complete it someday. so, i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. Maybe not. i got to i think about page 80 this time before quitting. now, i've had people tell me that the book is really good, but it just is boring until about page 120. i have yet to make it that far, so i can't really agree with them. however, same as last time, i vow to finish it some day. (that day might just be farther in the future than i would hope) So, it was like 4 days before we had to have our SSR book done and a literary packet about the book completed and i switched books. wow, M, you're smart. yes, yes i am, thank you. UGH bad idea to wait that long to switch. Especially considering the fact that 2 of those 4 days included Thanksgiving break, during which i knew i wouldn't go near a book for school. So, i somehow managed to pull it off and read Persuasion by Jane Austen. i chose this one because i already owned it and it was short. simple as that. convenience. also, i like Jane Austen, so that was a plus. at first, i had trouble getting into it (this seems to happen a lot for me and books of this time period), but once i did, i got emotionally attached to the characters and was rooting for Anne the whole way through. it got to the point where i was reading the day before it was due and i was holding the book in front of my face by about 5 inches hunched over with excitement and anxiety of what would happen. All in all, a TERRIFIC book. (not as great as Pride and Prejudice, my all-time favorite, but still really good) This is why it's going on the List of 55. Then, i realized that i now have all this time where i don't have an SSR book due for class, so i can read for pleasure! yay! i picked up two books at the library on Monday: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson. the John Green one because so many friends have recommended it (some with such intensity i'm getting a little nervous). the Morgan Matson one because K had me read Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by recommendation (not a book swap) and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT, so i thought i would try it out. I'm currently reading The Fault In Our Stars and it's pretty good so far. this is the book that my mother confiscated from me yesterday claiming that i was reading it too much and not focusing enough on studying for my physics test. pshh. i was going to get around to studying eventually....after i finished the book :) anyway, pretty good so far, i'll probably be doing another post after i finish it to tell you all what i thought. Yeah, I tried reading Wuthering Heights once....didn't finish it. Maybe I'll go back to it one day...not today, but one day. I must read Persuasion! I love Jane Austen and if M also enjoyed it I think it'll be pretty darn good. Now that M has reminded me I must also read Emma again. Okaie doks, I must go and push my brother down the stairs for being a butt face (not really, he's taking me to get food so I'll be nice for now). Adios lovely readers I shall post later (probably not today seeing as I won't get home until 10).
So, the guy next to us is watching a video of a tv show or movie and it's very distracting. I keep glancing over and probably seem like a total creeper, but hey!....Yeah I didn't have anything to make that better. haha it's true, she is being a little creepy with her furtive glances toward his screen. come to think of it, this is the most full i've ever seen this room (our public library's computer lab). K, what do you think, character analysis of our neighbors?? Well the guy next to us obviously has good taste in shows because whatever he's watching is really good (and I can't even hear the dialogue). Then there's the women I saw the other day who has the most adorable baby ever!!! He's sleeping, but that's probably best for a library. Oh! A friend of mine is in here. I would say his name, but I don't want to call him out. He's on the opposite wall behind us. So that's cool I guess. There's a man, he's very jittery...well kinda...okay his leg keeps bouncing so :p Everyone else seems pretty normal...for now. of course, because everyone seems normal at first. even the hypothetical mass murderer/child molester down the street seems normal until he asks you to get candy from his white van with suspiciously tinted windows. my point being, all these people are weird, whether we realize it or not....just hopefully none of them try killing me. Um, or your lovely friend sitting right next to you. I do agree with all of them being weird...it actually sounded like something that could possibly be in a Dessen novel...eh...no....maybe I just want to read a book of hers'....yup that could be it. Especially since I haven't really had time to read much since school started. meow. hehe, I love doing that. I kept pausing like I was done, but nope.....meow. Okay sorry I'm done. My brain is honestly all over the place. Oh! On another note: I do apologize for not posting sooner than this. I do have a lot to catch you guys up on. I shall try to post...um....Sunday? Or Monday....we'll see, but I will post soon :) Daaaaaanggg that guy's music is loud. THIS IS A LIBRARY FOR HEAVENS SAKE!!! We take pride in remaining silent during our book swaps, i think other people should have the same consideration. oh wait, he got in trouble, nevermind. justice has been done. Anyway, now onto books...so for the book swap last time, K gave me Girl V. Boy by Yvonne Collins & Sandy Rideout. I already reviewed this book here so i won't waste space here and do it again. however, it was great. nuff said. So, to repay the favor and hopefully give K something that she will love as much as i do (which will be pretty difficult given how awesome i think this book is) i have chosen................*the ellipsis indicates your mental drumroll, we're in a library after all!*..............................................Stay by Deb Caletti. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Okay, so I always see this book whenever I go to the book store and I always want to get it, but usally don't. Meaning I've been wanting to read this book for a while now. So, hopefully I will enjoy it as much as M did :) Okay so M just pointed out that at the bottom of the cover it says "Perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen" -Booklist. Honestly?!?! It's a sign!!! Haha, okay so last night...I think it was last night, but not the point. I texted M asking about Greek mythology. Well, it wasn't a pointless question. I was doing it to see what book I would share next with her. So I have brought................."Oh. My. Gods" By Tera Lynn Childs. Personally I think M will love it because
1. The main character is a runner
2. There's a good little love story going on
annnnnnnnndddddddddddd because the Greek mythology involved is actually pretty cool. However, this is coming from a person who can spend hours reading the stuff. I don't believe in it, but I just think it is so awesome. I got K's text last night (or whenever) and was very unsure because i knew that it meant she would be bringing me some mythology book. the mental image i got was some thick, tan, volume with words in it like "thither". not exactly my ideal pleasure read. Needless to say i was pleasantly surprised when she pulled this one "out of the hat" (and by hat i mean backpack, but it was for literary purposes, cut me some slack). Upon looking at the back to figure out what the heck a fiction novel like this had to do with Greek mythology, i found out that this girl RUNS XC!! i kinda freaked out a little as K watched. i'm sorta excited now to read it after reading the *how dare he! this guy's phone just rang. ONCE AGAIN this is a library. need i spell it out for you??? L. I. B. R. A. R. Y. (boy, wouldn't it have been embarrassing if i had misspelled that?!) meaning no noise or minimal noise. sorry, back to the point* synopsis. we shall see... So, K what did you think of Girl at Sea?? So I really should *M is going to murder someone if their phone goes off again...oh my...she's the murderer she was referring to earlier....I'm going to die D: * *no, you aren't gonna die. he is. also, K can't type today, and neither can i....it's been a long week* *agreed, back to the point* So I really should have like typed up my opinion earlier so I could just copy and paste, but I didn't so shame on me. Anywho, I would like to say that I love the main characters name. "Clio" it's not over used and it just was cool to me. I honestly enjoyed this book. I had moments of frustration with Clio though because she was in total denial about her feelings!!! I mean...okay so I had to back track for a moment because I almost gave stuff away :o Nope, not on my watch. Anywho I shall just say that I really liked the book, the plot, the characters and the underlying stories. Okay...I actually didn't fully enjoy that they were at sea....deep depths of water...me not being the best swimmer...bad images *insert my shudder here* Fudge I forgot what I was going to say...well I guess we'll have to wait and see if it comes back to me. Oh and on a side note I'm pretty sure what the guy next to us was watching was Once Upon A Time...I think...I should ask, but then he'd know I was creeping on him. I love that show! i haven't exactly watched any of this season's episodes, but they're on my DVR at home for later because i have no free time, but when i find some, i will be watching them. but it didn't really look like that to me on his screen...it looked more fantasy-based...but what do i know? i wasn't exactly creeping like K was. I've only seen one episode and that was more because I was at a friend's house and his mom insisted that I would love it (I would have liked it more if I wasn't so confused- it was mid season :p). However, I do intend to watch it when I get the chance. Maybe winter break if my teachers aren't evil and decide to give me homework. if i had the first season readily available, i would invite you over for a marathon to get you educated, but i sadly do not. maybe i can procure (props to M for the SAT vocab word!) it from someone? a friend and fellow Once Upon A Time watcher? watchee? idk. Eh, i think either could work. So we must see who else watches the show and pray they have it on DVD. Then we will beg them to let us borrow it :D I don't know why, but I just had the image of me standing on a hill with a cape and crown while holding up the DVD....yup, it's been a long week. ummmm is this really what you think about during the day??? and i thought my mind was weird and messed up.... haha, well my mind never stays focused on one thing for too long...except for in my block class...I'll explain that to you later though. So, I guess to answer your question simply...yes :) Ok unrelated i know, but i realized that i haven't ranted about the book i just finished or the book i'm currently reading. So for AP Lit i had to choose a book off "The AP List" *picture some British gentleman reading this in a pretentious tone with a look of disgust thrown to any and all in....normal English* for my SSR book and i chose Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (i would add the umlat on the e of her name, but i can't on the Internet). Now, me and this book have history together......i started it last year for fun (bad idea) and ended up quitting after about 100 pages. however, i told myself that i would complete it someday. so, i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. Maybe not. i got to i think about page 80 this time before quitting. now, i've had people tell me that the book is really good, but it just is boring until about page 120. i have yet to make it that far, so i can't really agree with them. however, same as last time, i vow to finish it some day. (that day might just be farther in the future than i would hope) So, it was like 4 days before we had to have our SSR book done and a literary packet about the book completed and i switched books. wow, M, you're smart. yes, yes i am, thank you. UGH bad idea to wait that long to switch. Especially considering the fact that 2 of those 4 days included Thanksgiving break, during which i knew i wouldn't go near a book for school. So, i somehow managed to pull it off and read Persuasion by Jane Austen. i chose this one because i already owned it and it was short. simple as that. convenience. also, i like Jane Austen, so that was a plus. at first, i had trouble getting into it (this seems to happen a lot for me and books of this time period), but once i did, i got emotionally attached to the characters and was rooting for Anne the whole way through. it got to the point where i was reading the day before it was due and i was holding the book in front of my face by about 5 inches hunched over with excitement and anxiety of what would happen. All in all, a TERRIFIC book. (not as great as Pride and Prejudice, my all-time favorite, but still really good) This is why it's going on the List of 55. Then, i realized that i now have all this time where i don't have an SSR book due for class, so i can read for pleasure! yay! i picked up two books at the library on Monday: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson. the John Green one because so many friends have recommended it (some with such intensity i'm getting a little nervous). the Morgan Matson one because K had me read Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by recommendation (not a book swap) and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT, so i thought i would try it out. I'm currently reading The Fault In Our Stars and it's pretty good so far. this is the book that my mother confiscated from me yesterday claiming that i was reading it too much and not focusing enough on studying for my physics test. pshh. i was going to get around to studying eventually....after i finished the book :) anyway, pretty good so far, i'll probably be doing another post after i finish it to tell you all what i thought. Yeah, I tried reading Wuthering Heights once....didn't finish it. Maybe I'll go back to it one day...not today, but one day. I must read Persuasion! I love Jane Austen and if M also enjoyed it I think it'll be pretty darn good. Now that M has reminded me I must also read Emma again. Okaie doks, I must go and push my brother down the stairs for being a butt face (not really, he's taking me to get food so I'll be nice for now). Adios lovely readers I shall post later (probably not today seeing as I won't get home until 10).
Monday, November 12, 2012
#21 and some AWESOME news
So, this is gonna have to be a short post for me seeing as how I've got a project to finish and physics homework to do, but I couldn't resist blogging today. That is because of the following: I was innocently logging into my email account to send myself something to print out later and what appears in my inbox but a Sarah Dessen Newsletter. Now, I signed up for her newsletter several several years ago when I first became obsessive about her books. However, she doesn't send them out very often; only about two or three times a year. So, I was pleasantly surprised to find one in my inbox this afternoon. Then, I opened it and what did I find? SHE'S COMING OUT WITH A NEW BOOK!!! It will be in store in June!! As you may have picked up, I was super excited to hear this and so I clicked on the link (I've provided it for you) and read the article about it in USA Today. I had no idea that they would be giving me a preview of the first chapter of the book, but USA Today, being the nice people that they are, provided that for us Dessen fanatics! And after reading that excerpt may I just say: June cannot come any sooner. It sounds fantastic and I'm getting anxious to read it even though it's like 8 months away from coming out. Funny, because I was just talking to my mother the other day about how if/when she came out with a new book, K or I would be the first to know and that if one of us knew, we would alert the other. Well, folks, it took me all of four or five minutes (the time it took me to read the excerpt) to get around to texting K in all caps and sending her the link. That's called fanhood.
Also, I would like to recognize Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson (recommended to me by K) as number 21 on The List of 55. It was a really cute story about a road trip and personal discovery and love and music (Man, Roger had great musical taste! I feel like Owen would approve). So it got five stars and if I had more time I would do a full rant, but I have to go, so you all should go get it and read it.
Read like your life depended on it,
Also, I would like to recognize Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson (recommended to me by K) as number 21 on The List of 55. It was a really cute story about a road trip and personal discovery and love and music (Man, Roger had great musical taste! I feel like Owen would approve). So it got five stars and if I had more time I would do a full rant, but I have to go, so you all should go get it and read it.
Read like your life depended on it,
Monday, October 22, 2012
No books, no music
Hello all! Long time no post. I would apologize for my lack of posts, but I feel like I do that everytime I blog so it should just be an automatic thing now. So this post will not be about music and will not have the songs I'm listening to. This is because I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to blog about books at the moment (I've taken my mom's laptop hostage) and I'm not listening to music since I'm on my mom's computer and my iPod is all the way upstairs. Yes I know I'm lazy. Don't judge me!
Anywho this is going to be a very random post so prepare yourself. This is going to be one of those rare moments where I just blog what's been going on in my mind and in the media. However, you guys love me (hopefully) so just hang in there with me. Hey you never know; you may end up loving this post :D Well here I go:
1. I went to the zoo today and it was awesome. I know of you are questioning my maturity because I enjoyed my day at the zoo, but you're the one missing out. I personally love the zoo and indulging in activites that may be consider "childish." For example I still love play grounds, building forts, playing tag and the list goes on. I can be very mature when I need to, but I'm honestly still a kid at heart and I don't ever think that will change. Honestly if someone wanted to make me happy all they would have to do is either get me a snowglobe, honeybun or a coke and I will instantly love you forever. I'm easy to please (and distract). Anywho, the main thing I wanted to make sure I saw at the zoo was the elephants. See I've always liked elephants, but after reading The Nature of Jade I pretty much fell in love with them. I even did a research project for English on a elephant sanctuary. My friend even got me a mini elephant snowglobe <3
-I now have 10 snowglobes. I honestly think I'm going to be that lady with a bunch of snowglobes, but that's alright. I embrace the fact. Something about them just make me so happy.
2. Lately I've been seeing a lot of different things on the internet about people taking their life due to bullying. I can't understand it. Why would you intentionally say something mean to someone. Yes, I do realize that we all can have pretty harsh thoughts on people, but what makes someone think it's okay to say them? Who gives a person a right to determine if someone is pretty, smart, funny or anything? Who gives them a right to make a person feel like they are such a horrible person and should not live anymore? No one should be made fun of for something they cannot change. We were all born differently so why should someone be tormented for something they cannot change? How is it any different from slavery or the Holocaust? Yeah, it may not be as drastic, but in a way it is the same. The idea behind it is the same which is "we don't like you for something that is not within your grasp to change." Maybe someone out there reading this is thinking "well what if someone is fat?" and I laugh at their ignorance. Just because someone looks a certain way does not determine anything. Just because someone looks large does not mean they are unhealthy or that they are not beautiful. Just because you can't see their beauty doesn't mean it's not there. It just means that you're looking, but not truly seeing. Something else I can't wrap my head around either is the fact why people wait until that person being bullied takes their own life to step up and do something. What does it matter if you loved that person, but you never told them while you had the chance? When they needed someone to let them know that at least one person cared no one stepped up. I can't understand that. Yes, I also know that people who seemingly live a great life take their life away also and that's a shame, and I wish I knew what were going threw their mind when they did it. I don't know. Maybe one day I'll have an ans)wer to all of these questions, but for now I shall be left wondering. Sorry for the sudden intensity.
3. I want a popsicle...and I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong, but I don't really feel like changing it so you all will have to live with that.
4. PITCH PERFECT (the movie) WAS AMAZING! So I have been waiting for the movie to come out for months now and was disappointed when I couldn't see it opening night. However, my friend took me to go see it over the weekend and it is one of my new favorite movies. It was cute, funny, it had people singing (I'm a choir geek- don't judge), I loved the male lead (despite the fact that I was iffy about him in the beginning. I didn't want to like him for some reason, but he made me love him), they referenced The Breakfast Club (M, you would have loved it), and Anna Kendrick & Rebel Wilson are in it which made it 10 times better (I adore those two ladies).
5. I honestly can't remember anything else I was going to say. I'm really tired and will just have to pick this up again next time.
Sorry this wasn't like my usual posts, but I'll be back to my funny (just go with it), book loving self next post. Until then stay classy you guys :)
Anywho this is going to be a very random post so prepare yourself. This is going to be one of those rare moments where I just blog what's been going on in my mind and in the media. However, you guys love me (hopefully) so just hang in there with me. Hey you never know; you may end up loving this post :D Well here I go:
1. I went to the zoo today and it was awesome. I know of you are questioning my maturity because I enjoyed my day at the zoo, but you're the one missing out. I personally love the zoo and indulging in activites that may be consider "childish." For example I still love play grounds, building forts, playing tag and the list goes on. I can be very mature when I need to, but I'm honestly still a kid at heart and I don't ever think that will change. Honestly if someone wanted to make me happy all they would have to do is either get me a snowglobe, honeybun or a coke and I will instantly love you forever. I'm easy to please (and distract). Anywho, the main thing I wanted to make sure I saw at the zoo was the elephants. See I've always liked elephants, but after reading The Nature of Jade I pretty much fell in love with them. I even did a research project for English on a elephant sanctuary. My friend even got me a mini elephant snowglobe <3
-I now have 10 snowglobes. I honestly think I'm going to be that lady with a bunch of snowglobes, but that's alright. I embrace the fact. Something about them just make me so happy.
2. Lately I've been seeing a lot of different things on the internet about people taking their life due to bullying. I can't understand it. Why would you intentionally say something mean to someone. Yes, I do realize that we all can have pretty harsh thoughts on people, but what makes someone think it's okay to say them? Who gives a person a right to determine if someone is pretty, smart, funny or anything? Who gives them a right to make a person feel like they are such a horrible person and should not live anymore? No one should be made fun of for something they cannot change. We were all born differently so why should someone be tormented for something they cannot change? How is it any different from slavery or the Holocaust? Yeah, it may not be as drastic, but in a way it is the same. The idea behind it is the same which is "we don't like you for something that is not within your grasp to change." Maybe someone out there reading this is thinking "well what if someone is fat?" and I laugh at their ignorance. Just because someone looks a certain way does not determine anything. Just because someone looks large does not mean they are unhealthy or that they are not beautiful. Just because you can't see their beauty doesn't mean it's not there. It just means that you're looking, but not truly seeing. Something else I can't wrap my head around either is the fact why people wait until that person being bullied takes their own life to step up and do something. What does it matter if you loved that person, but you never told them while you had the chance? When they needed someone to let them know that at least one person cared no one stepped up. I can't understand that. Yes, I also know that people who seemingly live a great life take their life away also and that's a shame, and I wish I knew what were going threw their mind when they did it. I don't know. Maybe one day I'll have an ans)wer to all of these questions, but for now I shall be left wondering. Sorry for the sudden intensity.
3. I want a popsicle...and I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong, but I don't really feel like changing it so you all will have to live with that.
4. PITCH PERFECT (the movie) WAS AMAZING! So I have been waiting for the movie to come out for months now and was disappointed when I couldn't see it opening night. However, my friend took me to go see it over the weekend and it is one of my new favorite movies. It was cute, funny, it had people singing (I'm a choir geek- don't judge), I loved the male lead (despite the fact that I was iffy about him in the beginning. I didn't want to like him for some reason, but he made me love him), they referenced The Breakfast Club (M, you would have loved it), and Anna Kendrick & Rebel Wilson are in it which made it 10 times better (I adore those two ladies).
5. I honestly can't remember anything else I was going to say. I'm really tired and will just have to pick this up again next time.
Sorry this wasn't like my usual posts, but I'll be back to my funny (just go with it), book loving self next post. Until then stay classy you guys :)
Friday, October 12, 2012
Mind. Blown. #18, 19, & 20
The title of this post really says it all. I've finished three books in twelve days and that makes me ecstatic (notice I said "finished" not started and finished). (btw the song I've got on repeat right now is Skinny Love by Bon Iver) I can guarantee that this post will be tinged with a sense of urgency but there's a good reason for that. I've spent the past 2.5 months reading stuff for school and haven't had any time to read for pleasure. It's been a super hectic and stressful 2.5 months (since school started) what with cross country, school, mountains of homework, etc. This abundance of stress led to my own introverted somewhat depressed state (the fact that we had to read Frankenstein probably didn't help the gloom--I mean the unit of literature that we're in right now for AP Lit is called Death....just pointing that out). Anyway, my point is that I've been juggling a lot and have been unfortunately absent from the world of enjoyable literature. However, in the past twelve days, this has changed. You know it's been a stroke of sheer luck when I get three books for The List of 55 in less than a month. This just doesn't happen. Ever.
Ok, let me recap: last time you heard from me I had 140 pages left in 1984 by George Orwell. I ended up finishing the book the next day. I hated it. Scratch that, I STILL hate it. Present tense hatred. Orwell is a sick bastard that makes his readers essentially watch the main character get hunted down and then tortured...extensively. There were times when I wanted to cry because the torture scenes were so intense and psychological. Also, the ending made me want the hurl the book across the room, hitting every object in its path so as to make a ruckus. This is how strongly I feel about George Orwell. He's a cruel, cruel man. You will never ever again get me to read anything by him ever again unless forced at gunpoint or at the insistence of an English teacher for class (even then, I might rebel and refuse to read it, SparkNoting instead. and if you really knew me, you'd know how strongly i feel about SparkNotes being unacceptable and how people should just read the assigned book and not cop out and cheat. however, i would cop out if forced to ever again read an Orwell piece of "literature." and by literature i really mean to insert a different word. enough said.) Anyway, after two different timed writes in AP Lit over 1984 and several class discussions, our teacher announced that we were done with it and were moving into a different book. My reaction, of course, was "hurrah!" and that wretched book went to the back of my bookshelf (it was our copy of the book, not the school's) and it almost felt wrong to place it on the same shelves that hold great pieces of literature, like the lovely Sarah Dessen or Nicholas Sparks or Ally Carter. At least my Harry Potter Books weren't on that shelf...they get their own display on my bedside table, stacked in order :)
Anyway, I soon after finished a "pleasure reading" book I had been working at for a while, Going Underground by Susan Vaught. I was intrigued at first because the book was told from a high school guy's POV and he worked at a cemetery and was always plugged into his iPod. Also, he had this big, dark secret. So, of course, I found myself getting drawn to this character. However, the reader soon finds out his dark secret and it gets weird from there on out. And kind of awkward to read. Needless to say, I no longer found myself drawn to him. However, the only reason why I continued reading it was because I was curious as to how it would end. The author had enough in there to keep me, however grudgingly, until the end. So, that was not one I would ever suggest, although it did make you think, I suppose.
Then, I would like to go back to what I said about my AP Lit teacher announcing the next book we would be reading. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Possibly the most depressing book of all time. All the main characters die left and right and it's always gloomy and rainy and there's really no hope. It's Gothic literature, so I guess I shouldn't have expected any less. Fear lurks at every corner for Dr. Frankenstein (let me clear this up for all y'all who didn't previously know, due to pop culture: Frankenstein is the last name of the scientist who created a monster. The monster is not called Frankenstein. It's simply called the monster or the wretch or the daemon, but never a real name. So, when your kids go out dressed up as "Frankenstein" for Halloween, they better be wearing a white lab coat, not gobs of green makeup, a bolt in their head, and their hands out in front of them.) and, by extension, the reader. Honestly, there are all of two characters that survive the book and neither of them are really likable characters anyway. One is a little kid that never talks and one is a whiny sailor who constantly complains about his lack of friends. The reader doesn't get emotionally attached to them like the main characters, so we could care less that they live on. So, after a timed write and a formal essay for this book, we moved on. Hallelujah.
During the time that I was reading Frankenstein, we were also required (in AP Lit, the class where one book at a time is never enough) to read an SSR book to be picked off an "Approved AP Book List" which was about 5 pages long. Most of these books I'd never heard of and, therefore, skipped over. I ended up choosing Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë simply because I'd heard of it and I'd been meaning to read it at some point. The version of the book I got from the school library was the Movie Tie-In Edition, meaning the cover featured the two actors in the movie and at the back of the book was a little note about the movie, but that was the only difference from the normal editions of the book. However, I, being a true book snob, chose this version (our library had like 3 different versions to choose between) because I thought the cover was beautiful. I still think that. Simple, yet enchanting. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure:
Also, while looking for Jane Eyre pictures, i found this awesome scarf.
drags the characters around in complicated yet passionate circumstances, the reader is hanging onto the hem of Jane's dress along for the ride and is becoming just as angsty and distraught as Jane and Rochester. It really affected me towads the end and I was getting emotional and teary-eyed and literally could not put the book down. My gaze on the book in front of me made me feel like a wild animal stalking its prey with an unblinking stare. I was, in a way, ravenous to continue reading this book. When I finished it at around 2am one morning, I was filled with peace, yet still rather worn out from the long ride I'd just been on. So, this is why this wonderful, enchanting book makes "The List" and also gets added to my imaginary list of favorite books which is as follows:
After I finished Jane Eyre, I moved on to Girl v. Boy by Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout, the book that K had given me at our last book swap, which feels like forever ago. I wanted a quick chick lit book to read before I had to start my next SSR book or "class book" for AP Lit. So, I picked it up and fromt the first page I liked it. The main character is very likable and relatable. I loved it as much as K said I would, thus making it Number 19 on The List of 55. I finished it October 10th.
So, that's the gist of my reading life. In class, we are now starting Othello by William Shakespeare, which is interesting seeing as how the language is very difficult to decipher. Also, for my SSR book, I've chosen Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë seeing as how I loved the work of her sister. My teacher mentioned in class the other day that there was a book about the Brontë sisters that just came out written by Juliet Barker about their lives and I talked to her after class expressing my interest in reading it eventually. So, whenever I read that, I'll talk about it here and then proceed to talk to her about it and just, in general, freak out about books like the bibliophile that I am. Also, K and I are hanging out at the movies on Sunday, so we will swap books then, as it will be near the 13th, the day that we try and do book swaps each month. I won't post again just for that, as this is getting to be brutally long, but I will update the sidebar where we've listed all the Book Swap Books. Well, as I've been typing for a good two hours maybe, I'm off to enjoy my Friday night.
Read to your heart's content,
"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will..."
--Jane Eyre
Ok, let me recap: last time you heard from me I had 140 pages left in 1984 by George Orwell. I ended up finishing the book the next day. I hated it. Scratch that, I STILL hate it. Present tense hatred. Orwell is a sick bastard that makes his readers essentially watch the main character get hunted down and then tortured...extensively. There were times when I wanted to cry because the torture scenes were so intense and psychological. Also, the ending made me want the hurl the book across the room, hitting every object in its path so as to make a ruckus. This is how strongly I feel about George Orwell. He's a cruel, cruel man. You will never ever again get me to read anything by him ever again unless forced at gunpoint or at the insistence of an English teacher for class (even then, I might rebel and refuse to read it, SparkNoting instead. and if you really knew me, you'd know how strongly i feel about SparkNotes being unacceptable and how people should just read the assigned book and not cop out and cheat. however, i would cop out if forced to ever again read an Orwell piece of "literature." and by literature i really mean to insert a different word. enough said.) Anyway, after two different timed writes in AP Lit over 1984 and several class discussions, our teacher announced that we were done with it and were moving into a different book. My reaction, of course, was "hurrah!" and that wretched book went to the back of my bookshelf (it was our copy of the book, not the school's) and it almost felt wrong to place it on the same shelves that hold great pieces of literature, like the lovely Sarah Dessen or Nicholas Sparks or Ally Carter. At least my Harry Potter Books weren't on that shelf...they get their own display on my bedside table, stacked in order :)
Anyway, I soon after finished a "pleasure reading" book I had been working at for a while, Going Underground by Susan Vaught. I was intrigued at first because the book was told from a high school guy's POV and he worked at a cemetery and was always plugged into his iPod. Also, he had this big, dark secret. So, of course, I found myself getting drawn to this character. However, the reader soon finds out his dark secret and it gets weird from there on out. And kind of awkward to read. Needless to say, I no longer found myself drawn to him. However, the only reason why I continued reading it was because I was curious as to how it would end. The author had enough in there to keep me, however grudgingly, until the end. So, that was not one I would ever suggest, although it did make you think, I suppose.
Then, I would like to go back to what I said about my AP Lit teacher announcing the next book we would be reading. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Possibly the most depressing book of all time. All the main characters die left and right and it's always gloomy and rainy and there's really no hope. It's Gothic literature, so I guess I shouldn't have expected any less. Fear lurks at every corner for Dr. Frankenstein (let me clear this up for all y'all who didn't previously know, due to pop culture: Frankenstein is the last name of the scientist who created a monster. The monster is not called Frankenstein. It's simply called the monster or the wretch or the daemon, but never a real name. So, when your kids go out dressed up as "Frankenstein" for Halloween, they better be wearing a white lab coat, not gobs of green makeup, a bolt in their head, and their hands out in front of them.) and, by extension, the reader. Honestly, there are all of two characters that survive the book and neither of them are really likable characters anyway. One is a little kid that never talks and one is a whiny sailor who constantly complains about his lack of friends. The reader doesn't get emotionally attached to them like the main characters, so we could care less that they live on. So, after a timed write and a formal essay for this book, we moved on. Hallelujah.
During the time that I was reading Frankenstein, we were also required (in AP Lit, the class where one book at a time is never enough) to read an SSR book to be picked off an "Approved AP Book List" which was about 5 pages long. Most of these books I'd never heard of and, therefore, skipped over. I ended up choosing Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë simply because I'd heard of it and I'd been meaning to read it at some point. The version of the book I got from the school library was the Movie Tie-In Edition, meaning the cover featured the two actors in the movie and at the back of the book was a little note about the movie, but that was the only difference from the normal editions of the book. However, I, being a true book snob, chose this version (our library had like 3 different versions to choose between) because I thought the cover was beautiful. I still think that. Simple, yet enchanting. Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure:
This is the Movie Tie-In Edition book that I read and later ordered online. |
![]() |
The book version I wish I had due to the awesome cover; my favorite scene in the movie. |
I would totally buy and wear this shirt or love someone if they ever got it for me, simply because I hate Twilight and am now a Jane Eyre fan. |
Unrelated, seeing as how we're talking about the Brontë sisters here, but I also love Jane Austen, so I would love to buy this shirt at some point :) |
Ok, now that I'm done with my Google Image-ing....back to the book! So, I started Jane Eyre and wasn't that impressed from the get-go. It was rather boring and I didn't really care about her childhood and the hardships of her schooling. However, I realize now that they helped develop her character further. Once I got past the initial 116 pages, I loved it. I loved the language and the diction and syntax (yes, I know, lit terms) and the romance. Ahhh...it was just one of those books where you are completely invested emotionally. So, when Ms. Brontë- Pride and Prejudice--Jane Austen
- Just Listen--Sarah Dessen
- Jane Eyre--Charlotte Brontë
- Along For the Ride--Sarah Dessen
- Paper Covers Rock--Jenny Hubbard
- The Last Song--Nicholas Sparks
- A Walk to Remember--Nicholas Sparks
- The Name of the Star--Maureen Johnson
- Stay--Deb Caletti
- The Beginning of After--Jennifer Castle
- Graffiti Moon--Cath Crowley
- The Truth About Forever--Sarah Dessen
- Keeping the Moon--Sarah Dessen
- This Lullaby--Sarah Dessen
After I finished Jane Eyre, I moved on to Girl v. Boy by Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout, the book that K had given me at our last book swap, which feels like forever ago. I wanted a quick chick lit book to read before I had to start my next SSR book or "class book" for AP Lit. So, I picked it up and fromt the first page I liked it. The main character is very likable and relatable. I loved it as much as K said I would, thus making it Number 19 on The List of 55. I finished it October 10th.
The next day, I started Stay by Deb Caletti. Now, i've already gone on and on about Deb Caletti and my thoughts on her writing, which you can read again here (scroll down pretty far...it, like this one, is a lengthy post). As mentioned in that same post, I got this book at a book store on sale. On the front cover, there is a review quoted that pretty much sums up my thoughts: "Perfect for fans of Sarah Dessen."--Booklist. Now, I was taking a huge risk buying this book to begin with because Caletti's books are hit or miss with me and I'm not big on buying books before I know for sure if I'm going to like them or not. My policy is normally: check out from library, love, buy. However, I'm glad I bought this one because it saved me a trip to the store :) It was so gripping. I don't believe I've ever used that word to describe a book before, so this is monumental. Clara is haunted by her past, more specifically her past relationship with Christian, the seemingly perfect guy. However, Clara and her father are now living on an island in Washington state to get away from it all. Things I loved about this book:
- the main character
- the fact that both guys were likable at some point, which makes us sympathize with the main character (Clara)
- the emotion-heavy plot
- the entertaining footnotes that the author includes to add more personality to Clara
- the alternating chapters. one chapter is set in the past and the next is set in the present. it's a great way of learning about her background while fitting the pieces together in the present situation until the point where the past and present meet and the reader feels well-informed.
- Clara's dad. he's so likable and the dream dad (writer, sarcastic, laid-back, loving)
- the non-cliché plotline. it could've gone with the cliché, but it didn't, which I love.
So, that's the gist of my reading life. In class, we are now starting Othello by William Shakespeare, which is interesting seeing as how the language is very difficult to decipher. Also, for my SSR book, I've chosen Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë seeing as how I loved the work of her sister. My teacher mentioned in class the other day that there was a book about the Brontë sisters that just came out written by Juliet Barker about their lives and I talked to her after class expressing my interest in reading it eventually. So, whenever I read that, I'll talk about it here and then proceed to talk to her about it and just, in general, freak out about books like the bibliophile that I am. Also, K and I are hanging out at the movies on Sunday, so we will swap books then, as it will be near the 13th, the day that we try and do book swaps each month. I won't post again just for that, as this is getting to be brutally long, but I will update the sidebar where we've listed all the Book Swap Books. Well, as I've been typing for a good two hours maybe, I'm off to enjoy my Friday night.
Read to your heart's content,
"I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will..."
--Jane Eyre
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Vas happening?!?
If we have any One Direction fans out there then you'll probably know that's what Zayn says in a lot of their youtube videos (M I know the look you're giving me, DON'T JUDGE ME!!!) At least I'm not one of those girls who are completely obsessed with them and get mad when they get a girlfriend. Plus I'm not convinced I'm in a relationship with them so it's all good. ANYWHO, I told M I was going to post last weekend, but as you all can see I didn't exactly get around to it :p This won't be a long post, but I have exciting news so let's get to it!
1. I watched this super adorably awkward movie called Return to Me and I absolutely adored it >.<
2. I re-read This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen and was again reminded of how much I love the main male characters in Dessen books <3
3. The exciting news is this: a book that I've recently read my 55 books list!!! It was a book that always caught my eye when I went to the public library and always debated on checking out. So after M's and I last book swap I checked out Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson and usually it's not the kind of book I would go for, but I was absolutely thrilled by it. I guess because it had some amazing aspects such as:
So now I must bid you all a farewell until next time *tips hat*
1. I watched this super adorably awkward movie called Return to Me and I absolutely adored it >.<
2. I re-read This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen and was again reminded of how much I love the main male characters in Dessen books <3
3. The exciting news is this: a book that I've recently read my 55 books list!!! It was a book that always caught my eye when I went to the public library and always debated on checking out. So after M's and I last book swap I checked out Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson and usually it's not the kind of book I would go for, but I was absolutely thrilled by it. I guess because it had some amazing aspects such as:
- a road trip :D
- romance
- humor
- over coming obstacles/doing what K wants to happen <3
So now I must bid you all a farewell until next time *tips hat*
Monday, August 13, 2012
book swap numero cinco
setting: insanely dead/quiet library computer lab.
song: none, as of now. (this may change as i hate the sound of silence....hehehe simon and garfunkel anyone?)
why hello there! So first off I guess I should apologize for my lack of posts. i've been pretty busy lately and currently our internet/cable is not on so that means no posts. however i'm posting now so we're good right? please? okay good. let's move on. i got the book gift from the sea by anne morrow lindbergh for the last book swap. my opinion of it you ask? well, i'm not entirely sure yet...my feelings kind of contradict each other. i loved the book, but at the same time disliked it (of course I didn't hate it because i did love it also...confusing? yeah well that's me). anyway i loved the gist of the book. it felt sorta informative, but very helpful if you're struggling with life. it was one of those books where it helps push you along in life no matter what your current situation is. i'm not sure if M agrees with that, but that's just how i read it *shrugs* however, i didn't like the book because i had to actually focus fully on it. i know that sounds weird because you're supposed to focus on any book you read, but for this book i felt like staying on task was much more difficult. i'm not sure why...maybe it was the timing (my family just moved so that kind of takes a lot of your time). i think it was more of a me thing then the book. chances are that at some point i'm going to re-read it and most likely come up with a totally different perspective on it. so you guys should look out for that post in the future. now throwing the keyboard over to M (not literally of course).
sorry, i'm a perfectionist. my apologies. (directed at K, not the general populus, although you guys sorta deserve that apology too...) anyway, in response to K's review of Gift From the Sea, i would just like to say that it's been at least four or five years since i last read that book, so i have no way of knowing today what my opinions would be. i simply gave you this book for the swap because i wanted to know your opinion. it was probably a poor choice seeing as how i normally like to make absolutely sure a book is top-notch before handing it over to someone as critical about literature, but honestly the night before the swap i was staring at my bookshelf wondering which book i would give her and had no clue. therefore, i grabbed Gift From the Sea without another thought. needless to say, i probably won't be doing that again. as for the book i was supposed to read, i did read it this time! YAY! however, i'm pretty sure i already blogged about it...for a refresher, click here and go down to the "BOOK SWAP ALERT" bullet point. i've come to the conclusion that Susane Colasanti just isn't for me. also, Deb Caletti is very hit or miss with me. For example, i loved The Nature of Jade, but hated The Secret Life of Prince Charming (i couldn't even finish it). Also, i had mixed feelings about Wild Roses, although i still recommend it to K simply because i want to hear her take on it. I tried to read The Fortunes of Indigo Skye, but got to about the second chapter and quit. i honestly can't remember my reasoning at the time. however, i decided to give her another shot and while at a local bookstore (i think that was last week?) i picked up Stay by Ms. Caletti. we'll see how that goes once i get around to reading it. also, during said trip i grabbed One Night That Changes Everything by Lauren Barnholdt. i had previously read The Secret Life of Devon Delaney and Two Way Street by her and loved them both, so i took a chance. (also, the back cover and inside flap were very convincing AND it was only like 3 dollars...i know i'm weak) however, before i can start reading my new acquisitions, i have to finish reading all the library books sitting in a pile at my house (including a certain Cassandra Clare novel....i'll get around to it). however (wow this is a lot of howevers), i'm currently reading 1984 by George Orwell (such a creep) and it has to be done by wednesday. soooo i've been reading nothing else since i started it about a week ago and i keep procrastinating and putting it off. i'm currently at page 160ish out of 300. yeah, i'm really gonna have to step it up which brings up the point of WHY ARE WE POSTING THIS SO EARLY IN THE MORNING?? well, i need the rest of the day to spend with my head in a book that i don't even like. oh, the irony. yup that's all.
okay first off i would just like to mention how freaking happy i am that M finally picked up city of bones by cassandra clare :D
oh and by the way M, ms. colasanti isn't for everyone and of course i respect your opinion on those two books. plus, your posts about them made me laugh sooooooo all is good in the world :) including world peace? no, but thanks for the effort.
now on to the swapping! i picked this book (not going to say the name yet. just bare with me) mainly because i read it and liked it. for the most part at least. then when i was scanning my bookshelf for a book to give to M for this swap i was hit with a huge problem. when someone has very similar taste in books as you it's pretty darn hard to find a book that they haven't read also :p (i hate this keyboard-random note for you guys). The book i was set on giving her for this swap was two way street...then I found out she read it..oh joy haha. anyway i came across this one and i have to know what her thoughts on it will be. i must warn M though that she may be able to guess what happens...not entirely sure, but she's pretty good at guessing so who knows? so without further ado i give you.....girl vs boy by yvonne collins and sandy rideout. i don't want to give anything away so i'm not going to say anything else about this book and wait to find out what M thinks. i'm really looking forward to one of her rants (good or bad). i'm rather confused at what M wants me to do so i'm going to keep typing like i have important stuff to say....la-de-da-lalalalala!!!!!!
ok enough of her rambling. on first glance (i was going to say first look, but that's the thing at Regal Cinemas "Regal First Look with a behind the scenes look at all the childrens movies you will never go watch!") i thought the guy on the cover looked like Nigel Barker "noted fashion photographer" in Tyra's words from ANTM (america's next top model). i'm still unsure if this is him or maybe he has a son?? who knows...anyway, i read the back and am intrigued. (i'm also kind of intrigued by the mix of interesting people here in the computer lab with us. as a sidenote let me outline them for y'all:
well after reading the back of the book i must say that i'm looking forward to reading this book. the only book i've read by maureen johnson was 13 little blue envelopes and i wasn't a huge fan of it...however i won't hold it against this book. i'll get back to you with my opinion when i have come to a conclusion on how i feel about this novel. i kind of felt the same about 13 little blue envelopes, but there were parts of it that i really enjoyed. as a whole, though, i wasn't thrilled. well, i think we're about done here. unless K wants to do some more creeping...haha no i think i'm good. especially since i'm going to get the paper stuff to get a library card! :D (yeah, i know. me not having a library card seems crazy. DON'T JUDGE ME!!!) i guess that's all for now. adios!
as in all book swap episodes, i must end the same way......
song: none, as of now. (this may change as i hate the sound of silence....hehehe simon and garfunkel anyone?)
why hello there! So first off I guess I should apologize for my lack of posts. i've been pretty busy lately and currently our internet/cable is not on so that means no posts. however i'm posting now so we're good right? please? okay good. let's move on. i got the book gift from the sea by anne morrow lindbergh for the last book swap. my opinion of it you ask? well, i'm not entirely sure yet...my feelings kind of contradict each other. i loved the book, but at the same time disliked it (of course I didn't hate it because i did love it also...confusing? yeah well that's me). anyway i loved the gist of the book. it felt sorta informative, but very helpful if you're struggling with life. it was one of those books where it helps push you along in life no matter what your current situation is. i'm not sure if M agrees with that, but that's just how i read it *shrugs* however, i didn't like the book because i had to actually focus fully on it. i know that sounds weird because you're supposed to focus on any book you read, but for this book i felt like staying on task was much more difficult. i'm not sure why...maybe it was the timing (my family just moved so that kind of takes a lot of your time). i think it was more of a me thing then the book. chances are that at some point i'm going to re-read it and most likely come up with a totally different perspective on it. so you guys should look out for that post in the future. now throwing the keyboard over to M (not literally of course).
sorry, i'm a perfectionist. my apologies. (directed at K, not the general populus, although you guys sorta deserve that apology too...) anyway, in response to K's review of Gift From the Sea, i would just like to say that it's been at least four or five years since i last read that book, so i have no way of knowing today what my opinions would be. i simply gave you this book for the swap because i wanted to know your opinion. it was probably a poor choice seeing as how i normally like to make absolutely sure a book is top-notch before handing it over to someone as critical about literature, but honestly the night before the swap i was staring at my bookshelf wondering which book i would give her and had no clue. therefore, i grabbed Gift From the Sea without another thought. needless to say, i probably won't be doing that again. as for the book i was supposed to read, i did read it this time! YAY! however, i'm pretty sure i already blogged about it...for a refresher, click here and go down to the "BOOK SWAP ALERT" bullet point. i've come to the conclusion that Susane Colasanti just isn't for me. also, Deb Caletti is very hit or miss with me. For example, i loved The Nature of Jade, but hated The Secret Life of Prince Charming (i couldn't even finish it). Also, i had mixed feelings about Wild Roses, although i still recommend it to K simply because i want to hear her take on it. I tried to read The Fortunes of Indigo Skye, but got to about the second chapter and quit. i honestly can't remember my reasoning at the time. however, i decided to give her another shot and while at a local bookstore (i think that was last week?) i picked up Stay by Ms. Caletti. we'll see how that goes once i get around to reading it. also, during said trip i grabbed One Night That Changes Everything by Lauren Barnholdt. i had previously read The Secret Life of Devon Delaney and Two Way Street by her and loved them both, so i took a chance. (also, the back cover and inside flap were very convincing AND it was only like 3 dollars...i know i'm weak) however, before i can start reading my new acquisitions, i have to finish reading all the library books sitting in a pile at my house (including a certain Cassandra Clare novel....i'll get around to it). however (wow this is a lot of howevers), i'm currently reading 1984 by George Orwell (such a creep) and it has to be done by wednesday. soooo i've been reading nothing else since i started it about a week ago and i keep procrastinating and putting it off. i'm currently at page 160ish out of 300. yeah, i'm really gonna have to step it up which brings up the point of WHY ARE WE POSTING THIS SO EARLY IN THE MORNING?? well, i need the rest of the day to spend with my head in a book that i don't even like. oh, the irony. yup that's all.
okay first off i would just like to mention how freaking happy i am that M finally picked up city of bones by cassandra clare :D
oh and by the way M, ms. colasanti isn't for everyone and of course i respect your opinion on those two books. plus, your posts about them made me laugh sooooooo all is good in the world :) including world peace? no, but thanks for the effort.
now on to the swapping! i picked this book (not going to say the name yet. just bare with me) mainly because i read it and liked it. for the most part at least. then when i was scanning my bookshelf for a book to give to M for this swap i was hit with a huge problem. when someone has very similar taste in books as you it's pretty darn hard to find a book that they haven't read also :p (i hate this keyboard-random note for you guys). The book i was set on giving her for this swap was two way street...then I found out she read it..oh joy haha. anyway i came across this one and i have to know what her thoughts on it will be. i must warn M though that she may be able to guess what happens...not entirely sure, but she's pretty good at guessing so who knows? so without further ado i give you.....girl vs boy by yvonne collins and sandy rideout. i don't want to give anything away so i'm not going to say anything else about this book and wait to find out what M thinks. i'm really looking forward to one of her rants (good or bad). i'm rather confused at what M wants me to do so i'm going to keep typing like i have important stuff to say....la-de-da-lalalalala!!!!!!
ok enough of her rambling. on first glance (i was going to say first look, but that's the thing at Regal Cinemas "Regal First Look with a behind the scenes look at all the childrens movies you will never go watch!") i thought the guy on the cover looked like Nigel Barker "noted fashion photographer" in Tyra's words from ANTM (america's next top model). i'm still unsure if this is him or maybe he has a son?? who knows...anyway, i read the back and am intrigued. (i'm also kind of intrigued by the mix of interesting people here in the computer lab with us. as a sidenote let me outline them for y'all:
- to our right we have a middle aged man balding who's doing some internet research on books and seems to enjoy clearing his throat.
- next to him we have a woman in old fashioned headphones with eyes glued to the screen
- to my left i've got a maybe 38 yr old man strawberry blonde hair checking his email
- next to him is a preteen boy with dark hair with white headphones in. while he's on the computer he doesn't really seem to be doing anything productive....he seems bored
- then we've got a man in his 50's maybe wearing something you might wear to the gym and typing using the hunt and peck method that is often popular with older generations.
- down the center aisle we have a kid...teenager? i think so (it's hard for me to tell at times) he was in my summer gym class. he's in our grade. i've got him pegged as an Owen type. musically inclined. carry on. now i'm intrigued with this fellow. anywho, he has light brown hair and appears to be very focused on whatever he's doing. i'm trying really ****update: mr. 38 yr old male seems to be blogging same as us! if i could only figure out which blog, i would look it up just to be super creepy.*** hard not to look back at the guy too many times....yeah so let's just go on from here
- aren't there like 2 more people down the row? mhm, i thought you would want to give them a shot? no? i'm less discreet when it comes to turning around and glancing. you always seem like you're stretching or at least have some good reason for turning around. i on the other hand just come off as creepy. hahaha, okay point taken. so while she was typing that i pretended that i was trying really hard not to laugh and took in the crowd. next to the teenage boy there is an older lady...40ish? she has short red hair and glasses you would most likely see your grandmother wear...she seems pretty capable of handling modern day technology, but i can't really see her typing technique to justify this.
- **update: strawberry blonde 38 yr old is now reading about the amish? ummm ok then. he really is checking everything from Facebook to emails to the amish...**
- wow, two more people walked in...they're trying to make this difficult on me :p anywho, the next person i "checked out" is also an older fellow who if i do say so myself, rather creepy looking...friendly, but still kinda scary...left or right? uh, your right (very far down) middle aisle? yuppers. okay so M casually tried to look back, but it was a failed attempt...however, i admire the dedication. haha, she's trying to get a picture of him, but is not doing a great job of that either...i did get a good picture of K though! wow i really suck at surveiling people....well, the creepy guy seems to know what he's doing (looking up how to hide a body perhaps? no? too far? okay). he's balding & greying a bit in the front, but has his longish hair combed back I AM SCARED FOR MY LIFE RIGHT NOW! i finally got a good look at the dude and OMG. he looks like FILCH from HP!!!!!!!! what a creep! i agree with K about the whole "how to bury a body thing". wow. haha, to keep with the whole "silent" thing the computer lab has going i had to struggle really hard not to laugh at M's reaction of him. i totally agree though! he does look like Filch!!! that was a good description :)
- a 20-something yr old girl just left. we also have a new addition right behind us. a girl about mid to late twenties. we can't see her screen so we have no idea what kind of mischief she's getting into.
- also, next to Filch we have a 50-ish guy who's obviously aged well and has fully intact hair. no creeper tendencies so far. seems pretty normal. oops he's gone now. i did just realize though that we 2 teenage girls are kind of outnumbered. ummm this is the point where my brain does silly things and i start looking around for all the exits and possible weapons. i think the computer would be easy to lift and throw at someone's noggin...other than that we've got a decently heavy chair (i would know, i lifted it earlier). i think we'll be ok if strawberry blonde, Filch, and Mr. Throat-Clearer ever get together and hold us all hostage or something. i have a feeling Preteen and Owen and new mid twenties girl would join our cause and fight to the death. hopefully it doesn't come to that, though. wow, reading that would be another good reason of why and how we're friends. just thought i'd throw that out there.
- an older lady entered not too long ago. she has short hair (that was once a dark blackish color) that is pretty much all grey now (you can see the underlying dark color...i'm not crazy for knowing that :p). she too has glasses, but not as... grandma-ish? as the other lady's (who has now left the lab).
- now that my mind is on it, i can't stop thinking about this whole theoretical hostage situation. who would be the mastermind? do the 3 men know each other and just chose their spots apart from each other in order to appear as if they've never met? their varying ages also would reduce suspicion (except from me of course). my mind really should just stop daydreaming and carry on (my wayward son...sorry). K, wouldn't this be a really cool idea for a story?? wow, seriously? since when can you read minds and better yet why didn't you tell me?!?! hehehehe there are lots of things you don't know about me....muahahahah jk you know that's what people always say and they turn out to be super heroes....just saying....i assure you, the closest i've come to being a super heroe would be when i was about 6 i wore a snow white costume and it included a cape. that's it. sorry to disappoint. you haven't disappointed me entirely....i mean even at the age of 6 i'm pretty sure you make a better snow white than kristen stewart did...just saying. KRISTEN STEWART DOESN'T DESERVE TO HAVE THAT ROLE! i'm sorry but when you can't even show emotion, what's the point in acting?? ok onto the swap please. i think we're done creeping on our fellow labbers? we may have updates later on their status (not relationship....at least i don't think so. well we might see them change their facebook page or something, but other than that. oh whatever you know what i mean!).
- well the one closest to us looks like he just left work (dress shirt& tie, check). he has short dark brown hair and is slumped in his chair like he just can't stand to do whatever it is he's doing...sucks for him. he looks a lot like a guy that was in my Bib Lit class this past year. he was a senior. i'm not completely sure if this is him or not, but there's a good chance.
- next to MR. I HATE LIFE is another young looking guy who also looked like he just stepped off the "I have a job that requires me to look nice" train. if i do say so myself he is quite the looker ;) hehe, okay sorry i'll move on. ehh he's ok. i prefer MR. I HATE LIFE or Owen-prodigy myself. haha, duely noted :) well, mr. i look like i just left work guy also has dark brown hair
(a bit longer than a buzz) and nicely tanned skin (i hate when people look freaking orange because they think that, that's tan...no you idiot that's "i just rolled around in a bag of doritos"..okay sorry i'm done) THIS COMPUTER SUCKS (or rather the keyboard sucks and the computer simply annoys me.) nicely put M. i honestly just want to smash this keyboard....but i don't want to pay for a new one so i'll leave it be. if we had been hostages i would have totally let you smash it over Filch's head. just saying...awww :) i feel flattered. thank you! ah! did i tell you about the time where i was having a sleepover at my friend's house (there was like four girls there-including me) and we thought there was a murderer in the house...granted we had just got done watching a scary movie, BUT there was foot steps upstairs like someone was creeping around and the next morning when we asked her parents about it they said they didn't leave bed that night (creepy). however, in the moment i was in a corner holding a rather heavy stool to beat the person with if they happened to come downstairs...see! i'm not the only one with an overactive imagination when it comes to murders and such. she grabbed the nearest weapon as i've been planning to do for the past hour. Oh and btw back to our evaluation of the guys in the room, please tell me i wasnt the only one that noticed the guy walking in front of us as we entered the library this morning. i wish i could tell you that, buuuuuuuuttttttttt i can't. i was not being very observant while entering this wonderful place....sorry? oh, darn. he was really cute. better than the selection in here, at least.
well after reading the back of the book i must say that i'm looking forward to reading this book. the only book i've read by maureen johnson was 13 little blue envelopes and i wasn't a huge fan of it...however i won't hold it against this book. i'll get back to you with my opinion when i have come to a conclusion on how i feel about this novel. i kind of felt the same about 13 little blue envelopes, but there were parts of it that i really enjoyed. as a whole, though, i wasn't thrilled. well, i think we're about done here. unless K wants to do some more creeping...haha no i think i'm good. especially since i'm going to get the paper stuff to get a library card! :D (yeah, i know. me not having a library card seems crazy. DON'T JUDGE ME!!!) i guess that's all for now. adios!
as in all book swap episodes, i must end the same way......
Friday, August 3, 2012
you know you're a freak when you'd rather read than watch the olympics
Song: Black Hole Sun- Soundgarden. Well, it's been close to two weeks since my last post and i've been doing some pretty serious reading and judging (not only books, but the performance of the Olympic athletes). When I last blogged, I hadn't yet started The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. So, that is where i will start and move onward from there. Ok? (If you're not ok with this, then I have some choice words for you including the fact that you should just stop reading now and get a personality :P )
- The Truth About Forever....This was either my second or third time reading this book and the last time i read it was probably 3 or 4 years ago. (If You Could Only See- Tonic) My point is that it's not one of the Dessen novels that i keep in my room and read every year, so I had forgotten a lot about it when K and I mentioned it at our book swap. So, i felt the need to check it out and do a quick re-read. I loved it. I don't remember enjoying that book as much the first 1 or 2 times. Wes is simply awesome as are most of Dessen's male characters. It had a decent but slightly lacking ending. (On a Plain- Nirvana) However, i do like the fact that Macy used to be a runner which is easy for me to relate to. Also, Kristy was a very fun character. However, it, like all Dessen books, had parts where i just wanted to reach out and shake the main character because they were acting stupid and isolating themselves from those they care about for whatever reason. (Mr. Jones- Counting Crows) This seems to happen a lot in Dessen novels: in Along For the Ride, Auden starts to like Eli and then she freaks out and isolates herself and dives into academics and her loser ex; in Keeping the Moon, Colie tries to run away from Norman because she gets freaked; in What Happened to Goodbye, Mclean kind of isolated herself and was going to accept moving away again; in This Lullaby, Remy breaks up with Dexter and later stops talking to him altogether and goes out with some jerkface; (I Miss You- Blink182) and finally, in Just Listen, Annabel pulls away from Owen for two months after the concert (although, i don't know why you would every do that!). Officially, in my order of Dessen guys it goes: Owen, Eli, Wes, Norman, Dexter, Dave. (i didn't include guys from That Summer or Someone Like You because i haven't read them. i didn't include the jackass from Dreamland because he wouldn't even make the list. i didn't include the dude from Lock and Key because i didn't like that book and honestly don't remember much about it.)
- Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Ockler....I chose to read this book after a Dessen because i thought it might be similarly written. Boy, was i wrong. Ms. Ockler has nothing on Sarah Dessen. I hated this book. (Scar Tissue- Red Hot Chili Peppers) It's as simple as that. The main character was relatable, but the ending wasn't satisfying, the best friend was super annoying and i honestly don't know how Anna (main character) puts up with her for so long. Also, the guys in the book aren't exactly likable. Matt is awesome and I could definitely see the appeal. However, Sam and Jake seem like jerks to me. Also, i hated how the whole focus of the book seemed to be on Anna's virginity. I'm sorry, but i have better things to be reading about than a girl who's complaining about never having sex and a friend who's practically throwing herself and Anna at every boy that crosses their path in hopes of changing that. I really hated this book. Except for the stuff about Matt. That's all i have to say about that.
- After reading Twenty Boy Summer, i was being super picky because i wanted a good book after a crappy one. So, i started Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging by Louise Rennison because i'd heard that it was a really good series. However, i couldn't get past the third chapter because i didn't like the main character (which is always an issue), couldn't follow the heavy British slang, and didn't like the fact that the book was written as a series of journal entries. (About a Girl- Nirvana) So, i stopped reading it because, as my mother always reminds me, "So many books, so little time! Don't waste your time reading something you don't enjoy." After that, i picked up Scrambled Eggs at Midnight by Brad Barkley and Heather Hepler. These are the same authors that wrote Dream Factory, which i love dearly, so i thought that this book would be on the same level. No. i got through less than one chapter before quitting because i don't like stuff about Renaissance Fairs and i hated that the girl called her mother by her first name and then proceeded to call her a wench. Also, it takes place at a fat camp, which i didn't exactly want to read about. So, for the second time in one day, i put it down and started another book: This Lullaby.
- This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen....The first time i read this book, i had a lot of homework and stuff going on, so i was only able to pick it up about twice a week, so i would often forget the dynamics of the book and forget most of what had happened. So, i ended up quitting it because i got bored by it. However, i told myself that i would read it again some day in its entirety simply because i owed it to Ms. Dessen to not give up on her books. So, i read it and finished it two days ago. Ahhh so good! It was a much needed change of pace after the depressingly terrible Twenty Boy Summer that i had just suffered through and my two failed attempts at starting a book that followed. (Hotel California- The Eagles) I loved Remy's attitude, hated her mother even at the end, got irritated by her brother and especially her brother's girlfriend, HATED Don, loved Dexter, and got confused often by which friend was which and which bandmember was which. However, as a whole, it was a great book. I still don't know why i stopped reading it the first time, because this time, i couldn't exactly put it down. I was intrigued by Remy's slightly bitchy attitude and heartbreaker streak. This book also included, as stated above, a part where i wanted to beat some sense into the main character and make her get back on the track again after doing something incredibly stupid, usually like 3/4 of the way through the book. The ending was kind of disappointing. However, when i was doing my analysis above with all of the Dessen books, i had to flip back through the concert scene in Just Listen and spotted a cameo of Remy and Dexter and the rest of Truth Squad, which slightly made up for the fact that This Lullaby ended on a not-so-satisfying note.
- Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta....So, on one of my many library visits, I asked one of my librarian friends for some book suggestions, as i was almost done re-reading all the Sarah Dessen books :). She told me that someone she'd talked to had said that Melina Marchetta's books seemed a lot like Sarah Dessen's. So, she handed me Saving Francesca. Also, she suggested a book she just finished called The Book of Blood and Shadow by Robin Wasserman, which i have a bookmark in but haven't yet started. I was very skeptical going into it because i didn't think anyone could even come close to comparing to SD because of my fierce loyalty to her books. In a way, i was right. I don't think that Marchetta writes like SD. However, she is a good writer and i loved her book. Francesca is one of thirty girls in a formerly all-boys Catholic school in Australia. She spends her junior year of high school dealing with heavy family issues, making and breaking friendships, and finding a special someone. I realize i'm being very brief, but i just don't want to give away too much. It's a book about girl power, family bonds, craziness, and cliques. (Fine By Me- Andy Grammer *I GET TO GO SEE HIM IN CONCERT TOMORROW!!!) What i first liked about the book was the narrative by Francesca. She's a very opinionated, headstrong character and i loved her for that. Also, there was cussing all throughout which i actually liked because it made her seem even more in control. Another thing i really enjoyed was the humor. I constantly found myself grinning, chuckling, and even laughing while reading it. Although the ending wasn't what i would've preferred, it made sense and it was do-able in my opinion. Well, that was super vague, but i just think you should all go out and read this book then tell me what you think! (especially you, K) This book obviously made The List which makes this number 17. Oh, and as far as my goal of 10,000 pages by the end of the summer, i'm at 9,672 so i have 328 pages left. (The Scientist- Coldplay *my favorite Coldplay song) Ideally, i'll just read The Book of Blood and Shadow, which is 432 pages long, and be done with my goal. However, i know me and i'll probably end up quitting this book and picking up a different one, so you never know. Also, for school, i'm being forced to read 1984 by George Orwell which i'm just THRILLED about reading. I made it to page 5 before getting bored and i decided to pick it up another time. I'm such a slacker, i know ;) Yup, that's all i've got for now. (Come On Get Higher- Matt Nathanson)
library run,
Sarah Dessen,
The List of 55
Monday, July 23, 2012
a "whole heap" of reading, 'mon
please tell me that someone out there appreciated my Cool Runnings reference in honor of the Olympics...except for the fact that that movie is about the WINTER Olympics, but still...close enough. (Float On- Ben Lee) so, as the title says, i've been reading a whole heap of stuff so this is probably going to be long, boring, droning, and i'll go on at least one rant, but what do you honestly expect coming from me? :) so, ONWARD! (Surfer Girl- Home Grown)
enjoy your summer, read far too many books, live your life.
- Wild Roses by Deb Caletti...this book for me started out great and i was really getting into the writing style and sarcastic humour of the main character. however, over time i felt like the book got kind of repetitive and she fell for the guy WAYY too fast. also, the end wasn't very satisfying. (My Hero (acoustic)- Foo Fighters) loose ends were left and i still ended up hating certain characters at the conclusion. i was pretty disappointed because i had really high hopes for that book and then, like most things in life, it didn't really turn out how i wanted it to.
- The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle...in one word: amazing. very well written. i felt all the emotions of the main character and almost found myself crying along with her (which is pretty impressive if an author can get me to do that). also, i should point out that the cover art is breath-taking. quick summary: Laurel's entire family gets killed in a car crash (we know this after just the 12th page so i don't feel too bad about giving this away) as does the mother of her bad boy neighbor, David. (Mirror ft Bruno Mars- Lil Wayne) the entire book is just Laurel coping with her loss and going through the grieving process. she grows closer to David as they realize they have more in common now more than ever. *May I just point out that David definitely reminded me of the John Bender type? Which, of course, I loved about him. You know K and I's slight obsession with Bender and The Breakfast Club in general.* This amazing book I've already suggested to K and it definitely deserves a spot on The List of 55. this would make it number 16. yay.
- The Julian Game by Adele Griffin...i started this book and made myself get through a full three chapters before giving up completely. i always try to give the book a chance, but this book was just petty and pathetic. i hated the main character and all the supporting characters, so i didn't really see it going anywhere that i would like. therefore, it got discarded onto the return stack.
- The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti...I got through the first half of this book before giving up and going to the book swap hoping for a good book to read. i didn't like the dad, sister, main character, or boyfriend. (Metal Health (Bang Your Head)- Quiet Riot....from Footloose, the original of course) however, i very much enjoyed the best friend, aunt, grandma, and mom and their skepticism towards men. i just didn't like the basis of the book. i kept hoping it would get better, but it didn't and i had already wasted a lot of my time on that book, so i skimmed and figured out who the love interest would be and realized i wasn't missing a whole lot by skipping the rest of the book.
- BOOK SWAP ALERT: On July 14, K and I met at the public library (aka heaven) to talk/rant about books and swap. i waited for K, as she was late (no complaints here), and read the first few chapters of Pet Sematary by Stephen King, but i haven't picked it up since. In the swap, I got Waiting For You by Susane Colasanti and K got The Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, a book that I read several summers ago and loved so much that upon finding it in a used book warehouse, i had to buy it. (Candlelight- Relient k) It's a book about life and love and the seaside. To be honest, i don't remember much about it except for the fact that i loved it. I haven't heard from K about it though, so i don't know what she thought of it. As for me, I started reading Waiting For You the day i got it and finished it the next day. i wasn't all that thrilled by it. i pretty much had the entire plot figured out just by reading the jacket cover. it was a very predictable and somewhat frustrating book. the main character (sorry i don't remember her name) wasn't all that likable in my opinion and she seemed rather immature and young. also, the guy she was after wasn't "attractive" enough (as in, i wasn't attracted by the author's description. she should've made him slightly more likable so it was really more of a struggle for the reader to switch loyalties). also, i pegged the radio host from the start and it just seemed wayy too obvious. that being said, i did enjoy his character, although i DO NOT approve of his whole "what should i do about liking a girl" approach. that's petty and, as the main character said, very 5th grader-ish. overall, it was kinda a blazé (sp?) book. (Tears in Heaven- Eric Clapton) maybe susane colasanti just isn't for me, seeing as how i wasn't exactly thrilled with the other book by her that i read: When It Happens (which you might remember i went on a rant about how the author should've just stopped at chapter 29). but K can go right ahead and try to persuade me otherwise. (From the Bottom of My Heart- The Wallflowers)
- What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen...I've been putting this book off for a while now because K had told me that she wasn't exactly thrilled with the ending of it, so i was very hesitant because i thought that i would be disappointed, as has happened before with Ms. Dessen's earlier works *cough Dreamland cough*. However, during our hour and a half book discussion that went along with the swap, we talked about the book and how she didn't really remember the book that well so that i should just give it a chance. So, after reading the swap book, i started What Happened to Goodbye. Since it's been over a week since i read it, i'm reading back through the texts i sent K while reading and after finishing WHTG.(When I See You- The Moog) here are some excerpts from our texting ranting: i'm on pg 53 and freaking out!!! annabel and owen get a cameo appearance!!.....i just finished what happened to goodbye. i agree about it not being satisfying......i feel like Dave should've been a more developed character and he should've made a move sooner. i feel like the ending was too rushed to fully resolve things. also, mclean went off to college--not a very happy ending. also she didn't get to go on the Texas trip which i'd hoped she would've done. oh and they didn't explain the whole restaurant thing very well at the end. thank you!! ah, okay. i didn't know if it was just me and i knew you'd understand. okay thank you for sharing what you thought. i thought the book had so much potential, but then the end screwed it up. I feel pathetic that i had to type out our texts, but that's the best thing i could think to do so you guys could get the full experience of our opinions and mine right after i finished the book. I would like to say, though, that Ms. Dessen has a way of writing great male characters (ex: Owen, Eli, Norman, Dave). (All Apologies- Nirvana)
- Gallagher Girls Series...After finishing WHTG, i felt like i owed it to myself to read a book with a good ending and a good love story. That's what made me walk over to my bookshelf and grab I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter. Possibly one of my favorite series (behind Harry Potter of course) and there's always comfort in reading books you know you'll love. Also, me being lazy, i hadn't read the newest book yet so it seemed right to go through and read the entire series as a refresher. Here are some essential stats about the series... favorite book in the series: book 2 (because Zach is always around and it's when Cammie and Zach meet....yeah i know what you're thinking about me being some ridiculous teenage girl...well you'd be absolutely right :) ). most confusing book: book 5. (By the Way- Red Hot Chili Peppers) most boring book: book 1 (because, let's face it, regular boys aren't nearly as exciting as super-spy boys :P ) After finishing book 5, i felt even more confused than i was when i started the book and i know for a fact that Ally Carter is writing another. However, it was kind of hinted at that the next one will be the last. (If I Should Fall From Grace With God- The Young Dubliners) Cammie said something along the lines of "when we come back next semester we'll end this for good" or something like that. also, there's the fact that the girls are going into the last semester of their senior year, so of course they can't stay at Gallagher Academy forever. however, i would be very pleased if Ms. Carter kept going and wrote novels about their after high school experience like their first years in the field doing whatever it is they'll go on to do. i'm just going to be really sad when the series is over and Cammie, Bex, Liz, and Macey are no longer students at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Girls. I guess i'm just a Gallagher Girl at heart. Anyway, book 5 made me tear up because i have always felt very connected to Cammie and when i thought that her best friend was trying to steal her boyfriend i was outraged and literally had tears in my eyes. I read the whole series in a week and that made it even more emotional because i basically spent all my free time with Cammie, Bex, Liz, and Macey and then i felt really lonely when i finished the fifth book. I now sit waiting for the next to come out...whenever that happens to be. (Someone Like You- Adele)
- Avalon High by Meg Cabot....I was at the library last week and got Avalon High and The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. What made me pick up Avalon High was the fact that K and i had talked about it when we were discussing The Song of the Sparrow and how it's also about King Arthur and how i said that i didn't like any books on the topic except for Avalon High. So, i remembered this while i was there and grabbed it off the shelf. However, I still had five books left from my last trip to the library. I was simply not in the mood to read those books because when i get something in my head, i have to do it. i looked over the books that had been checked out previously and realized that i didn't want to read about a serial killer or a person with supernatural ability or a historical fiction novel. so, i put those five books in my return stack and picked up Avalon High this morning after/during breakfast. It was not my first time reading it, in fact i think it's probably the second time i've re-read it. I finished it this afternoon and it was just as delightful as i remembered. I had forgotten that Ellie is a runner (probably because it wasn't relevant before...as i hadn't started running xc yet...that's how long ago i read this book last) too, which helped me relate to her even more. (Aint No Rest for the Wicked- Cage the Elephant) After reading the book, i wanted to go outside and run two miles in the pouring rain as she did, but that's not exactly possible seeing as how we're in the middle of a drought. May i just point out that i LOVE running in the rain. other people are complaining about getting soaked and wet and how they feel gross but my best friend and i are out there running with huge smiles on our faces enjoying the rain running down our faces. we're weird; we know. anyway i was so excited when i got to that part of the book and i just wanted to join Ellie out there in the pouring rain and go for a run (despite the fact that i already ran this morning). (Run- Ben Lee) It's a perfect chick lit book for those looking to read a fast read.
- I am now reading The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. During our chat, K suggested that I re-read it because i'd obviously forgotten most of the plotline. (Stand By Me- Marvin Gaye) So, after finishing Avalon High today, i stuck my bookmark (a worn sticky note) in the front of The Truth About Forever and i haven't touched it since. i plan on getting started on it soon, though. Also, as i've learned through the summer reading program, i've read 8,420 pages this summer. YAY! my goal is to get to 10,000 before school starts, which, the rate i'm going won't be a problem. (Salvation- Carolina Liar) i only have 1,580 pages left and 23 days left of summer break. which means that ideally i'll have to read 68 pages a day. which isn't exactly a problem for me, seeing as how i pretty much have been finishing a book every day the past couple of weeks. so i will keep you guys up to date on my progress towards 10,000 as the summer comes to a close.
enjoy your summer, read far too many books, live your life.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
a little catching up then a library run
ok guys so i feel like i should get you up to speed on my reading habits over the past few days. i found myself with extremely high expectations the day after finishing The Name of the Star, so i picked up Obsessed by Ted Dekker. i got through the first chapter and said, "eh, screw it. there are better books out there." i then picked up The Song of the Sparrow, which was a book swap book that K had given me. i lasted 17 pages before quitting. i just couldn't stand how it was written in a poetic form and was about King Arthur. i'm sorry, but the only thing about King Arthur that i've ever enjoyed was Avalon High by Meg Cabot and that was a present day re-telling, so i'm not really sure if that counts. so, i put that down and grabbed Chopsticks by Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral. i had such high hopes for this book since it was a mixed media book, which interested me greatly. it was told through pictures and words and ticket stubs and newspaper clippings and IMs. it was a really cool concept, but after i finished it that day (it only took about an hour or so) i was incredibly confused and disappointed. i then turned to my friend, the Internet, and found a site where people were talking about the book. their theories about the ending really helped me understand, but it was a conclusion that i never would've came to on my own. i was so frustrated because i'd gone through 3 crappy (sorry, K) books in one day. so, i turned to a book that i found at Haslam's Used Bookstore in Florida over spring break. So Many Books, So Little Time by Sara Nelson. it seemed like such an appropriate book to read at that time, so i went for it :) i enjoyed the writing style, but found myself dragging through it, so i practically begged to go to the library today (she didn't object to the idea). *sidenote: i still fully intend to read So Many Books, So Little Time at some point.* i walked out of the library with 9 books and 7 CDs. yeah. i'm that girl. so, i thought i would let y'all know the books and music i picked up so you know what to expect reviews on in the near future. also, if you want another place to see what books are in the queue, there's a place on the right side of the page that says "Books on the Stack" and it serves the same purpose. let's begin, shall we?
Books (in the order i will be reading them):
Live free, read to the fullest, and enjoy your summertime while it's here.
Books (in the order i will be reading them):
- Wild Roses by Deb Caletti <---- I actually started this book while at the library and I'm thoroughly enjoying it so far.
- The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle
- The Julian Game by Adele Griffin
- Legacy by Molly Cochran
- The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti
- Gilt by Katherine Longshore
- Jenny Green's Killer Junior Year by Amy Belasen & Jacob Osborn
- A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolff
- Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella
- Bringing Down the Horse--The Wallflowers (currently listening to)
- Eyes Open--Snow Patrol
- Adore--Smashing Pumpkins
- Americana--The Offspring
- Everything All the Time--Band of Horses
- The Science of Things--Bush
- Golden State--Bush
Live free, read to the fullest, and enjoy your summertime while it's here.
catching up,
library run,
spring break,
Friday, July 6, 2012
An awesome short story you should check out :D
So we read this short story in my English class one year and I fell in love with it. It's awesome and I wanted to share it with you guys. So I have a link placed below. Enjoy!
The Dinner Party by Mona Gardner.
The Dinner Party by Mona Gardner.
She's back!!!
A few notes to my fellow blogger M:
1. I definitely plan on continuing the HP series (I'm already to emotionally invested not to haha)
2. I would have been surprised if you actually left the library without a book in hand
3. I look forward to your review on Chopsticks (I've heard of the book and have been debating on if I was going to read it or not).
4. I wasn't a big fan of Maureen Johnson's book 13 Little Blue Envelopes, but after your high praise of The Name of the Star I must read it!
5. Very nice music you had playing :)
Now on to my post :D (pretend to be excited please haha).
(iTunes on shuffle: Teenage Dream- Katy Perry) Wow two post in one week??? Someone get me some butter because I'm on a roll! Hahaha, yeah I know that was lame, but hey at least I can still joke around! I think it's one of the saddest things when people have been so jaded by life that they can barely smile anymore...
Of course this being a post by K it's going to be all over the place as usual. So enjoy the long, random but entertaining (hopefully) ride :)
So first off I would just like to complain for a second because I'm very annoyed!!! My knee has been feeling really strange for a few weeks so far so I've been trying to stay off of it but it hasn't really helped (All The Way Up- Emily Osment, don't judge me! lol). So I'm just going to go back to my usual work out routine since putting it on pause hasn't helped :p
Guess what I just realized today. I've always known this I guess, but never really acknowledged it until today. When the book has a girl for the main character, I hate it when she's a "damsel in distress." Nothing annoys me more than a girl who can't take care of herself. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mean that she has to always deal with things on her own and never let anyone help her. That's not what I'm saying at all. (Pretending- Glee version). What I mean is I hate it when the girl always counts on a guy to rescue her because then she never learns to rescue herself. It's kinda like the song Cinderella by the Cheetah Girls (yeah, I know throwback moment haha). "I don't wanna be like Cinderella, Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar, Waiting for somebody to come and set me free, I don't wanna be like someone waiting, For a handsome prince to come and save me, I'd rather rescue myself." Does that make sense at all? I like a strong independent female lead, but I just don't believe that independent means that she has to do everything on her own. How about I give you an example of what I mean (of a female character I don't like): Isabella Swan (you should have seen that coming). She completely changes her life for a guy and basically set herself up for disaster when he left to "protect" her. I hate that. I can understand if you truly love a guy and he actually is the guy you want to marry. Yes, he's supposed to protect you and you're supposed to be able to depend on him, but you also need to know how to depend on yourself. (Far Away- Nickelback). I'm not sure if I got my point across, but if I didn't oh well. I'm moving on with this post.
My reasoning for posting so soon anyway is because I was reading M's latest post and I saw that she got book #15 for her list (congratulations by the way). That just made me realize that I have yet to set up my own list of 55 books *insert my "I'm so appalled" face here* haha. Anywho so that's what I will be doing with my lovely night while I try not to die of heat stroke. I just wanted to inform all of our lovely readers that I will begin my own list since M and I have different books on ours (despite the many things we have in common). (Not Afraid- Eminem).
Okay, so I love summer as much as the next student, but I'm not a summer chick. Yeah, there are days where I love to feel the warmth the sun radiates. It's relaxing and feels amazing, but this whole two months of upper 90s and lower 100 degrees of weather is NOT my cup of hot coco (I don't like tea... Mercy-Duffy). I'm a perfect weather gal. Of course mother nature does not always give us perfect weather despite my pleas. So I always tend to enjoy the cold more. I love the cold because that means I can drink hot coco and bundle under covers while watching a good movie. Plus, my body is naturally cold (you won't believe how many times I've had friends tell me how cold my hands are) and I like it that way. I don't like sweating and I don't like all the exposed skin girls show in the summer (yes, I would say I'm rather conservative in the way I dress, but I'm not a nun or anything -.-). I'm just not a summer weather girl so this weather is kicking my butt (Fade to Black- Apocalyptica). However, I'm enjoying summer and I hope you are too :)
Oh one quick thing before I go. I won't be doing star ratings anymore. Purely because I'm forgetful and often too lazy to do so. I'm sorry if you're disappointed, but I think I do a pretty decent job of making my opinion known of a book in my posts. Yups, that's all. Good bye for now!!!
1. I definitely plan on continuing the HP series (I'm already to emotionally invested not to haha)
2. I would have been surprised if you actually left the library without a book in hand
3. I look forward to your review on Chopsticks (I've heard of the book and have been debating on if I was going to read it or not).
4. I wasn't a big fan of Maureen Johnson's book 13 Little Blue Envelopes, but after your high praise of The Name of the Star I must read it!
5. Very nice music you had playing :)
Now on to my post :D (pretend to be excited please haha).
(iTunes on shuffle: Teenage Dream- Katy Perry) Wow two post in one week??? Someone get me some butter because I'm on a roll! Hahaha, yeah I know that was lame, but hey at least I can still joke around! I think it's one of the saddest things when people have been so jaded by life that they can barely smile anymore...
Of course this being a post by K it's going to be all over the place as usual. So enjoy the long, random but entertaining (hopefully) ride :)
So first off I would just like to complain for a second because I'm very annoyed!!! My knee has been feeling really strange for a few weeks so far so I've been trying to stay off of it but it hasn't really helped (All The Way Up- Emily Osment, don't judge me! lol). So I'm just going to go back to my usual work out routine since putting it on pause hasn't helped :p
Guess what I just realized today. I've always known this I guess, but never really acknowledged it until today. When the book has a girl for the main character, I hate it when she's a "damsel in distress." Nothing annoys me more than a girl who can't take care of herself. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mean that she has to always deal with things on her own and never let anyone help her. That's not what I'm saying at all. (Pretending- Glee version). What I mean is I hate it when the girl always counts on a guy to rescue her because then she never learns to rescue herself. It's kinda like the song Cinderella by the Cheetah Girls (yeah, I know throwback moment haha). "I don't wanna be like Cinderella, Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar, Waiting for somebody to come and set me free, I don't wanna be like someone waiting, For a handsome prince to come and save me, I'd rather rescue myself." Does that make sense at all? I like a strong independent female lead, but I just don't believe that independent means that she has to do everything on her own. How about I give you an example of what I mean (of a female character I don't like): Isabella Swan (you should have seen that coming). She completely changes her life for a guy and basically set herself up for disaster when he left to "protect" her. I hate that. I can understand if you truly love a guy and he actually is the guy you want to marry. Yes, he's supposed to protect you and you're supposed to be able to depend on him, but you also need to know how to depend on yourself. (Far Away- Nickelback). I'm not sure if I got my point across, but if I didn't oh well. I'm moving on with this post.
My reasoning for posting so soon anyway is because I was reading M's latest post and I saw that she got book #15 for her list (congratulations by the way). That just made me realize that I have yet to set up my own list of 55 books *insert my "I'm so appalled" face here* haha. Anywho so that's what I will be doing with my lovely night while I try not to die of heat stroke. I just wanted to inform all of our lovely readers that I will begin my own list since M and I have different books on ours (despite the many things we have in common). (Not Afraid- Eminem).
Okay, so I love summer as much as the next student, but I'm not a summer chick. Yeah, there are days where I love to feel the warmth the sun radiates. It's relaxing and feels amazing, but this whole two months of upper 90s and lower 100 degrees of weather is NOT my cup of hot coco (I don't like tea... Mercy-Duffy). I'm a perfect weather gal. Of course mother nature does not always give us perfect weather despite my pleas. So I always tend to enjoy the cold more. I love the cold because that means I can drink hot coco and bundle under covers while watching a good movie. Plus, my body is naturally cold (you won't believe how many times I've had friends tell me how cold my hands are) and I like it that way. I don't like sweating and I don't like all the exposed skin girls show in the summer (yes, I would say I'm rather conservative in the way I dress, but I'm not a nun or anything -.-). I'm just not a summer weather girl so this weather is kicking my butt (Fade to Black- Apocalyptica). However, I'm enjoying summer and I hope you are too :)
Oh one quick thing before I go. I won't be doing star ratings anymore. Purely because I'm forgetful and often too lazy to do so. I'm sorry if you're disappointed, but I think I do a pretty decent job of making my opinion known of a book in my posts. Yups, that's all. Good bye for now!!!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
15) The Name of the Star
ok guys i know i just posted a couple days ago, but since then i have finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (which made me feel like my life's purpose was gone because i've spent so much of my time with Harry, Ron, and Hermoine o' course :P ). the re-reading of the entire series was very satisfying and i picked up on some stuff that i hadn't noticed the first time around. i wholly (sp?) encourage K to get through the series because they're awesome. nuff said. (song: Come As You Are (live)--Nirvana)
i went to our public library today for my volunteer shift (this happens every thursday during the summer) and checked out a book despite the fact that i told myself i would walk out of there empty-handed. it's called Chopsticks by: Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral. a couple months ago i had read a review on a book blog i read occassionally. it's a book that tells a story through pictures, letters, quotes, and other types of mixed media forms. i was intrigued and thus when i saw it on the New Book Shelf at the library i just HAD to pick it up. i'm very intrigued to start it and sorta flipped through it earlier. (song: Bullet with Butterfly Wings--Smashing Pumpkins) so that is now on my stack of books (it's pretty small though so i don't feel quite so bad about it).
after finishing the wonderful series of Ms. Rowling, i started The Name of the Star by: Maureen Johnson. this book has been in the back of my mind since whenever it came out. a friend of mine is a huge fan of Maureen Johnson, so she kept going on and on about it when we were in Barnes and Noble. i told myself that i would read it eventually, but hadn't seen it around the library much because it was always checked out when i was in there. so, when i went to the library (probably for another volunteer shift) a couple weeks ago and saw it was in, i was thrilled. (Ain't No Rest for the Wicked--Cage the Elephant) although the other books i checked out that day were due, i kept only this one because i had been waiting so long to read it. as it turns out, it's a great thing that i read this right after Harry Potter, because there were some noticeable similarities that made it easier to transition into real life again. for example: it takes place at an English boarding school where there are prefects and head boys and girls. i was so excited when i found that part out. now, i don't know if all English boarding schools are organized like this, but it came as a shock to me, the naive American. (The House of the Rising Sun--The Animals) oh and i should also point out that i'm very into books that take place in boarding schools, so if there are any suggestions out there, that would be great. anyway, a quick synopsis for y'all:
Aurora (Rory...like in Gilmore Girls :P ) is from New Orleans and moves to England her senior year of high school to go to boarding school at Wexford, a pretty prestigious school. (One Headlight--The Wallflowers) London is in a state of panic after a murder takes place in exactly the same fashion of the killings of Jack the Ripper in the 1800's. This copycat is scaring everyone because they know that the city isn't safe on certain days (the same days that the original Ripper victims were killed). Rory finds herself in the middle of all the conflict and has to juggle that, her new friends and roommates, homework, and adjusting to the culture of boarding school.
This book is great because it incorporates mystery, romance, chick lit (which is pretty much the same as the one before it), paranormal, and suspense. i haven't enjoyed a book this much in a long time. i was on the edge of my seat for the majority of the book and started it one day (read 30 pages) then finished it the next day and the book is 370 pages long. i was hooked from the start. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone. (My Hero--Foo Fighters *sidenote: i like the acoustic version better, but whatever*) i simply can't explain how great this book was and am thoroughly looking forward to the next books in the series when they come out. until then, i will continue enjoying reading Maureen Johnson's tweets, as they are always obscure yet awesome in a creepy way. anyway, for those reasons and many more, The Name of the Star deserves a spot on The List of 55. we're up to #15! woo hoo! yay us!
so, after reading such an awesome book, i sat down last night and had planned to start reading Obsessed by Ted Dekker, but was somehow drawn to a Sarah Dessen book because i was feeling very girly and needed some good chick lit. so, i grabbed my copy of Along For the Ride and read it until about 4am when i finally gave in and fell asleep (i stayed up to read it in homage to Eli and Auden's nighttime wanderings). i then finished it today and was very pleased. (Brain Stew--Green Day) however, i've said it before and i'll say it again: the ending isn't quite satisfying. as K said in her last post: it's like The Vow's ending. we're girls. we need closure and a good, satisfying, if not stereotypical and cheesy ending to keep us happy. (Self Esteem--The Offspring)
on a completely unrelated note, i'm really enjoying my Nirvana Pandora station right now, as you might've noticed from my song choices. i've been listening to it for the past few days and i feel like Owen would be so proud of how much i've branched out. i never would've thought that i would be the type of person to listen to Nirvana, but here i am. so i guess you never know until you try. also, stereotyping people is bad. in general. i'm just pointing this out because people are often more than they appear to be. oh and i was very happy when i saw that Serena Williams won her match at Wimbledon this morning. i will definitely be rooting for her Saturday morning in the finals if i'm up. this ties back to the whole England obsession that i harbor, as does K. we have problems and we know it. (In One Ear--Cage the Elephant) ok enough rambling from me. good bye, auvoir, adios. (sorry, that's the extent of my foreign language knowledge) happy reading and enjoy your lives and keep the music loud :)
i went to our public library today for my volunteer shift (this happens every thursday during the summer) and checked out a book despite the fact that i told myself i would walk out of there empty-handed. it's called Chopsticks by: Jessica Anthony and Rodrigo Corral. a couple months ago i had read a review on a book blog i read occassionally. it's a book that tells a story through pictures, letters, quotes, and other types of mixed media forms. i was intrigued and thus when i saw it on the New Book Shelf at the library i just HAD to pick it up. i'm very intrigued to start it and sorta flipped through it earlier. (song: Bullet with Butterfly Wings--Smashing Pumpkins) so that is now on my stack of books (it's pretty small though so i don't feel quite so bad about it).
after finishing the wonderful series of Ms. Rowling, i started The Name of the Star by: Maureen Johnson. this book has been in the back of my mind since whenever it came out. a friend of mine is a huge fan of Maureen Johnson, so she kept going on and on about it when we were in Barnes and Noble. i told myself that i would read it eventually, but hadn't seen it around the library much because it was always checked out when i was in there. so, when i went to the library (probably for another volunteer shift) a couple weeks ago and saw it was in, i was thrilled. (Ain't No Rest for the Wicked--Cage the Elephant) although the other books i checked out that day were due, i kept only this one because i had been waiting so long to read it. as it turns out, it's a great thing that i read this right after Harry Potter, because there were some noticeable similarities that made it easier to transition into real life again. for example: it takes place at an English boarding school where there are prefects and head boys and girls. i was so excited when i found that part out. now, i don't know if all English boarding schools are organized like this, but it came as a shock to me, the naive American. (The House of the Rising Sun--The Animals) oh and i should also point out that i'm very into books that take place in boarding schools, so if there are any suggestions out there, that would be great. anyway, a quick synopsis for y'all:
Aurora (Rory...like in Gilmore Girls :P ) is from New Orleans and moves to England her senior year of high school to go to boarding school at Wexford, a pretty prestigious school. (One Headlight--The Wallflowers) London is in a state of panic after a murder takes place in exactly the same fashion of the killings of Jack the Ripper in the 1800's. This copycat is scaring everyone because they know that the city isn't safe on certain days (the same days that the original Ripper victims were killed). Rory finds herself in the middle of all the conflict and has to juggle that, her new friends and roommates, homework, and adjusting to the culture of boarding school.
This book is great because it incorporates mystery, romance, chick lit (which is pretty much the same as the one before it), paranormal, and suspense. i haven't enjoyed a book this much in a long time. i was on the edge of my seat for the majority of the book and started it one day (read 30 pages) then finished it the next day and the book is 370 pages long. i was hooked from the start. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone. (My Hero--Foo Fighters *sidenote: i like the acoustic version better, but whatever*) i simply can't explain how great this book was and am thoroughly looking forward to the next books in the series when they come out. until then, i will continue enjoying reading Maureen Johnson's tweets, as they are always obscure yet awesome in a creepy way. anyway, for those reasons and many more, The Name of the Star deserves a spot on The List of 55. we're up to #15! woo hoo! yay us!
so, after reading such an awesome book, i sat down last night and had planned to start reading Obsessed by Ted Dekker, but was somehow drawn to a Sarah Dessen book because i was feeling very girly and needed some good chick lit. so, i grabbed my copy of Along For the Ride and read it until about 4am when i finally gave in and fell asleep (i stayed up to read it in homage to Eli and Auden's nighttime wanderings). i then finished it today and was very pleased. (Brain Stew--Green Day) however, i've said it before and i'll say it again: the ending isn't quite satisfying. as K said in her last post: it's like The Vow's ending. we're girls. we need closure and a good, satisfying, if not stereotypical and cheesy ending to keep us happy. (Self Esteem--The Offspring)
on a completely unrelated note, i'm really enjoying my Nirvana Pandora station right now, as you might've noticed from my song choices. i've been listening to it for the past few days and i feel like Owen would be so proud of how much i've branched out. i never would've thought that i would be the type of person to listen to Nirvana, but here i am. so i guess you never know until you try. also, stereotyping people is bad. in general. i'm just pointing this out because people are often more than they appear to be. oh and i was very happy when i saw that Serena Williams won her match at Wimbledon this morning. i will definitely be rooting for her Saturday morning in the finals if i'm up. this ties back to the whole England obsession that i harbor, as does K. we have problems and we know it. (In One Ear--Cage the Elephant) ok enough rambling from me. good bye, auvoir, adios. (sorry, that's the extent of my foreign language knowledge) happy reading and enjoy your lives and keep the music loud :)
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