"A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend."-Unknown
"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place."-Bender from The Breakfast Club
"Read to your heart's content. Though if you are a reader, the heart is never content."-from
Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard

Monday, March 19, 2012

M vs. K: Book Swap Month 2

ok so here we are again ready for our monthly book swap and may i just point out that it is incredibly hot in this town. bad decision for both of us to wear jeans...just saying. anyways, on to the important stuff. you all probably saw the reviews K and i posted involving last months books, so we shouldn't have to recap that.
Why hello there lovely bookworms! I would just like to apologize ahead of time if whatever I type makes no sense because I'm currently running on no sleep (all nighters on school nights may be fun, but my lord...). ANYWHO! Book swapping (thank you M) time! I really hope M enjoys this book because
1. It's one of my favorites.
2. The main character shares something similar to miss M..... ;)
hmmmm....i'm intrigued now. possibly a runner? just guessing. ok sorry carry on.
Well, M will know instantly (hopefully) what the similarity is, but you my darlings are at a disadvantage seeing as you don't know M (therefore not beginning to be able to make the connection). Hahaha sucks for you! Okay sorry....I'll be mature.....or at least attempt to (haha you just missed a priceless look that M gave me while I typed that).....I tried to give M the honor of typing, but she wanted me to continue...Could it be that she just wants to see the book I have brought for her? *pointed silence as the tension in the crowd builds* "tell us what it is K!"
WWWWWWWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllll, if you insist. However, first I would like to tell you a story about my dog....hehe just kidding I don't have a dog (not like I haven't been trying to get one though-my mom is a tough cookie to break). I guess I'll stop stalling now and announce what book I have to share....Silent drum roll please bubububububububububububububububububu.....(that was supposed to sound like a drum, but i failed miserably) The name of the book is........."and we'll be right back after this brief commercial break" (p.s the breaks are NEVER brief). We're back! The book is Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys by Kate Brian :)
This book is filled with humor, romance and all that other jazz that makes a good book. While the book may get a bit predictable towards the end (or if you catch on to things early on then it would be from the start of the book), but it's worth it.
I normally catch on within the first few chapters because i've got practice from watching way too many chick flicks and Lifetime original movies. (THEY ALL END THE SAME WAY! gosh can't writers be original anymore??) oh and a tip for you guys, if you ever find yourself in an abusive relationship or in a relationship with a psychopath, dont convince yourself that its ok. oh and when you finally come to your senses, GET OUT OF THE STATE! he might follow you, but make it hard for him to do so because the crazies always end up killing the sweet innocent, naive girls. just saying. ORRRRRRR you could be really smart and alert the police like no one in those stupid Lifetime movies ever thinks to do! don't just try and handle it on your own (unless you arrange for said psychopath to die a horrible death. oh woops i probably shouldn't condone murder....oh well).
wow. can you say tangent? ok, back on track. my point was, i've seen enough Lifetime movies and chick flicks to know how a book or movie is going to end. (that doesn't mean i enjoy it any less, though). i'm pretty interested in this book after reading the back of it and seeing as how it's one of K's favorites and it was written by Kate Brian (who also wrote the Princess and the Pauper which was a very enjoyable read for me). and that's all i have to say about that. (please someone tell me they got that Forrest Gump reference. if not, that's pathetic. ok sorry)
Wow.......that was an excellent rant you had going there M :)
However, I totally agree. I hardly ever watch Lifetime movies anymore (well the ones with the...."weird" boyfriends-which is usually the majority of them). Right now M is my life line in this blog. pun intended?? Hahaha, nice M. Like I said I'm running on no sleep so keeping my eyes open is quite the struggle. Then add typing grammatically correct sentences (with all the words spelled correctly D:) is even harder. Oh by the way I did get the Forrest Gump reference. I feel very proud of myself seeing as I've only seen it like twice in my life.
wow, at least i know that you have a life (seeing as how you have actually seen the movie AND you got my reference). but twice is not enough. just saying....M got frustrated with the computer for the moment and she made a mean face at it....it was quite the sight. Sorry for not being up to your standards on the number of times I'm required to see Forrest Gump.....I'll just go sit in my little corner and cry....I'll never be good enough D,:  Hahahaha, no not really. I'm awesome (there's a song called "I'm Awesome"...just thought I'd share Was it written about your life? Yes, infact it was. I'm glad you noticed!)
Well, as awesome as K is....i shall now get on to the part where i make "The Big Reveal" and tell her my choice. dum dum dum dummmmmmm......the suspense is killing me!....It is The Night Room by E.M. Goldman. This is the book that i was raving about in my last blog post. It is one of my favorites and has definitely got me thinking about life and the future and just everything. It's a sci fi book, which originally turned me off, but once i got into it (and was able to finally keep all the characters straight!) i loved it. There's mystery, romance (always necessary :] ), suspense, and a Breakfast Club-ish sort of circumstance. *for my rant about the Breakfast Club and my raving about The Night Room, click here.
Well this book does certainly look interesting. Slightly creepy, but that's alright. Haha, so I had to force myself not to cringe when I saw the "sci-fi" part, but then M redeemed herself by adding that it also had some romance in it (like she said, always neccessary). Upon reading the back of the book I found myself quite intrigued...I guess I'll have to read and find out *insert my attempt at an evil smile here* well that smile was kinda creepy :P Yay! goal almost accomplished. OH! OH! I told M this on the walk over to the library, but last night I pulled an awesome all nighter (it was only awesome because I was reading). I read an amazing book that I haven't read in ages! ....Well maybe not that long, but just go with it alright? Geesh. It was The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen (BEST. AUTHOR. EVER. !!!!) ....thanks M, that was my line :p Haha, but it's okay. I forgive. I mean you have had to put up with my horrible typing for the last half hour? Maybe longer? I didn't really pay attention to the time. Sue me (not really, that would suck). i wouldn't dream of doing such a thing....or would i?? *gives M a slightly curious look* hum......things are starting to get interesting around here (except for the fact that it's DEAD SILENT except for the furious pounding of keys all around us. Oh, and the sighing dude from last time was here too, but i think he left.)  Yeah, they're beating those keys like they stole something (It's a southern saying that I may have twisted to fit the situation....don't hate because you didn't think of it!) Haha seriously??? I didn't even notice. Probably because he wasn't sighing :) um, he was earlier. i can't tell who it was or if hes still in here, but he's obviously not as depressed as he was earlier...Hahaha I guess not. That's good for him! You go Glen Coco! Haha, sorry that just randomly popped into my head while I was typing and I figured "why not???" M is making me type more D: Lol, just kidding (well she is, but I don't mind). I was going to say something really mind blowing, but then I got distracted by the lady leaving the room. I guess we'll never know what I was going to say....such a shame She was probably going to impart her wisdom with the loyal readers (or lack thereof) of this blog because you (if you truly exist, which i kinda doubt by now) are awesome for choosing to spend your time reading the nonsense that we post. Oh, that's so very true....I kinda want to see how many rants we have posted on here....between the both of us I'm pretty sure we racked up a pretty decent number. *I shake my head in a silent agreement (this is the library after all)* That is very true (everytime I type 'true' I end up typing 'ture' first....is that even a word? I should make it one if it's not!) I just looked on Dictionary.com and it is not a word, but in my opinion it should be (btw the sigher just left i think). Ok so here's our unofficial M&K Collegiate Dictionary entry for 'ture':

Ture- noun- "t-your"
an object that is pure, rare and only found in the deepest parts of the Mediterranean Sea. Usually tangerine or turquoise in color, these objects have been found by divers in the 80's, only to be lost. The divers died soon after discovering them and legend has it that there is a curse associated with the tures and their protecters, the Turwane (for more, see Turwane).

And here is the conversation we typed in a Word Document to each other while debating on this very important task of defining 'ture':

How do you do the little phonetic thingy?? Where you sound out the word?? And if so, how do you make a “u” with the little thing that makes it long? U know what I mean?
I know what you mean, but I have no clue how…
But if you were writing a dictionary, how would you say it’s pronounced??
“ta-ur” the e would definitely be silent
My guess was (don’t make fun) “t-your” like your sock or your jacket, but with a t sound in front.
Hum…..you make an interesting case…..I think I can agree with you this one time
So how do we spell it so that our readers don’t think we’re stupid?
I think they might already think we’re stupid (I mean we are creating a new word….a very weird one at that)…um……..
And, we're back. "So now you're back! From outer space (that part maybe wrong...)" and now I just forgot the rest of the words to the song. That's quite sad on my part... and this is where i use my resources and find the lyrics because i'm secretly curious about it too....ON TO GOOGLE! (imagine me saying that as if i were shouting "FOR NARNIA!" except that i can't seeing as how i'm in a library....so yeah thats awkward....) the correct lyrics are: and so you're back from outer space. I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face. i should have changed that stupid lock, i should have made you leave your key if I had known for just one second you'd be back to bother me....and so on (btw you're welcome for getting that song stuck in your head....muahahahahah.....*insert evil grin here*) Well, i believe that's about all we have time for today, folks. Come back next month and you will be graced with our usual witty selves and hear us rant and talk about books occasionally and act like the nonsensical people that we are :) Sidenote- i'm hoping that someone appreciated me using the word "nonsensical" since it was in Pride and Prejudice.....which we all know is a superior film :) yes, this is propaganda. get over it. I WILL NEVER GET OVER IT!!!! Haha, just kidding. I will...one day...in the future...hopefully....(M said something similar in our last book swap. Score 1 for K with the awesome memory). Anyways I love that movie also so you will hear...or read no complaints from my end of this conversation :) in order to score points for myself, *insert surly head nod and pointed glance here* i shall end on a familiar note.

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