"A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend."-Unknown
"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place."-Bender from The Breakfast Club
"Read to your heart's content. Though if you are a reader, the heart is never content."-from
Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard

Friday, December 24, 2010

1) Love at First Click

I know I said that I wouldn't publish a review until after the first of the year, however, I couldn't wait. I finished this book at like 2AM and have been wanting to write this ever since. So this will be #1 out of 55.
Ok let me just say that coming into this book, I was very skeptical about it for several reasons:
  1. I thought it was going to be about two people meeting over the Internet (click as in a mouse not a camera)
  2. Once I figured out that it was referring to photography, I told myself that I probably wouldn't like it because I'm not big on the subject.
  3. The first chapter was a little boring.
However, the photographic elements to the story really added something extra that I came to enjoy. Oh, and after the first chapter I got sucked in. Here's basically how the story goes (don't worry I believe in no spoilers):
  • Hayley is a photographer for the school newspaper as is her best friend, Gabe, who is the sports writer.
  • Hayley has a "camera crush" on the school's quarterback, Flynn-which leads to lots of pictures of him and not so many pictures of the other players
  • Breeze (which is an awesome name btw) is Hayley's sister and is going out with Jared who is on the football team.
  • Breeze is known for her good looks and her social standing and quickly rotates through boyfriends
  • Flynn gets injured during a game and can't play on the team anymore so he sticks around to help out the other players
  • Flynn's girlfriend dumps him and he soon asks out Breeze.
  • Hayley is rather sad that he's going out with Breeze but knows there is nothing she can do about it. She will have to be content with keeping her crush secret.
That's all I'm saying about the plot because I know I hate it when people ruin stuff for me. Lemme just say that as cheesy as the title may sound, it truly is a good book and Elizabeth Chandler (author) really knows how to make a story work. It's a nice short read that will quickly catch your attention and holds you until you reach page 185. Happy Holidays :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why 55?

Starting in 2011, I plan to write 55 book reviews in a year. More than likely, I will have read more than 55 books each year, but I'm only going to post about the 55 best. I will number the reviews as I go along for easy reference. Check back here after the first of the year and I might have a review up (most likely not until at least the middle of January though). You might ask "why 55?" Well, it's my favorite number and it's the number that my role model wears. I will also try to post the books that I am reading and those that are on my stack of books, but I will only review them if I truly loved them or thought they were really interesting. At the side of this blog, I have my "Grading Scale" of how I rank books. Only 4's and 5's will probably get reviewed. However, the other books I've read since I started this blog (December 19) will be over on the left with their approapriate stars. I would love feedback from you all and if you've written a review about any books mentioned in "55 Books in a Year," feel free to post your link. Also, I might participate in different reading challenges which I will definitely post about. Happy Holidays :)