"A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend."-Unknown
"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place."-Bender from The Breakfast Club
"Read to your heart's content. Though if you are a reader, the heart is never content."-from
Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hello, Old Friend...

So, it's been a while. A really long while. That's what happens though when life gets hectic. Blame school. That's all I have to say about that. (if anyone got my Forrest Gump reference there, I will be a happy girl.) last time I posted, I was reading the Harry Potter books and in a competition with my friend to see who could watch all the movies in order and read all the books in time for opening weekend. In case you were wondering, I won :) she didn't have time to watch movie #6, so she skipped it and watched 7.1....therefore I won since she did t watch all the movies in order. Boom! Ok anyway, lately my reading slump (which I realize has been a constant topic from me in previous posts) has extended and ive lost hope in reading new books bc I assume they won't live up to my expectations. However, I'm trying to break that mindset. I've basically been doing a lot of rereading bc I havnt made it to the library in a while, so Ive been reading stuff here at home. I read an Agatha Christie which took forever to get through and was pretty disappointing in the end and sort of a waste of my time. I also reread Secrets of a First Daughter by Cassidy Calloway and then read (for the first time) the sequel, Confessions of a First Daughter. They were both very pleasing. Then, I reread Just Listen by Sarah Dessen bc I wanted to read a satisfying piece of chick lit. After reading it, two things went thru my head: 1) I want to start listening to more music, especially stuff I would nvr think to listen to and 2) i wish this book never had to end bc its so addicting and entertaining (and lets be honest,I wanted to see Owen and Annabel's relationship blossom more). I have to say that it's possibly my favorite Dessen book, but Along for the Ride gives it a run for it's money. Anyway, then I found a book on my shelf that I got several yrs ago for my birthday but had nevr gotten around to reading and decided it was time to give it a
shot. It was awesome. You probably want to know what this awesome book was, right? Leap Day by Wendy Mass. I'm glad I waited to read it bc the main character is 16 and I can relate more now than I ever could've a few years ago. The book follows a day in the life of Josie Taylor, an outgoing teen who was born on Leap Day and is, therefore, technically only 4 yrs old since her birthday only comes around evry four yrs. The book takes place on the day of her sweet sixteen and all the drama that could possibly unfold in just 24 hrs. I loved how the book was set up in time intervals throughout the day and the first part of the chapter is from Josie's perspective and the second half is everyone else's POV and we get to figure out people's inner thoughts and motivations.I read this book in two days bc A) it was relatively short and B) it was impossible to put down and I found myself reading at all possible chances. I highly recommend it to y'all bc it got me thinking about perspective and how we judge people and their actions too quickly without really knowing what they are like. In case you couldn't tell, that was one of the 55 (since it was beast and I wrote a rather medium-lengthed summary and evaluation of it). Well, I will keep reading and hopefully make it to 55, altho I doubt it is possible to make it to that goal by January 1st. I'm currently reading Black by Ted Dekker since ive read one of his other books, Kiss, and liked it so figured I would start his most famous series. 'Night all.

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