Hello all! Long time no post. I would apologize for my lack of posts, but I feel like I do that everytime I blog so it should just be an automatic thing now. So this post will not be about music and will not have the songs I'm listening to. This is because I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to blog about books at the moment (I've taken my mom's laptop hostage) and I'm not listening to music since I'm on my mom's computer and my iPod is all the way upstairs. Yes I know I'm lazy. Don't judge me!
Anywho this is going to be a very random post so prepare yourself. This is going to be one of those rare moments where I just blog what's been going on in my mind and in the media. However, you guys love me (hopefully) so just hang in there with me. Hey you never know; you may end up loving this post :D Well here I go:
1. I went to the zoo today and it was awesome. I know of you are questioning my maturity because I enjoyed my day at the zoo, but you're the one missing out. I personally love the zoo and indulging in activites that may be consider "childish." For example I still love play grounds, building forts, playing tag and the list goes on. I can be very mature when I need to, but I'm honestly still a kid at heart and I don't ever think that will change. Honestly if someone wanted to make me happy all they would have to do is either get me a snowglobe, honeybun or a coke and I will instantly love you forever. I'm easy to please (and distract). Anywho, the main thing I wanted to make sure I saw at the zoo was the elephants. See I've always liked elephants, but after reading The Nature of Jade I pretty much fell in love with them. I even did a research project for English on a elephant sanctuary. My friend even got me a mini elephant snowglobe <3
-I now have 10 snowglobes. I honestly think I'm going to be that lady with a bunch of snowglobes, but that's alright. I embrace the fact. Something about them just make me so happy.
2. Lately I've been seeing a lot of different things on the internet about people taking their life due to bullying. I can't understand it. Why would you intentionally say something mean to someone. Yes, I do realize that we all can have pretty harsh thoughts on people, but what makes someone think it's okay to say them? Who gives a person a right to determine if someone is pretty, smart, funny or anything? Who gives them a right to make a person feel like they are such a horrible person and should not live anymore? No one should be made fun of for something they cannot change. We were all born differently so why should someone be tormented for something they cannot change? How is it any different from slavery or the Holocaust? Yeah, it may not be as drastic, but in a way it is the same. The idea behind it is the same which is "we don't like you for something that is not within your grasp to change." Maybe someone out there reading this is thinking "well what if someone is fat?" and I laugh at their ignorance. Just because someone looks a certain way does not determine anything. Just because someone looks large does not mean they are unhealthy or that they are not beautiful. Just because you can't see their beauty doesn't mean it's not there. It just means that you're looking, but not truly seeing. Something else I can't wrap my head around either is the fact why people wait until that person being bullied takes their own life to step up and do something. What does it matter if you loved that person, but you never told them while you had the chance? When they needed someone to let them know that at least one person cared no one stepped up. I can't understand that. Yes, I also know that people who seemingly live a great life take their life away also and that's a shame, and I wish I knew what were going threw their mind when they did it. I don't know. Maybe one day I'll have an ans)wer to all of these questions, but for now I shall be left wondering. Sorry for the sudden intensity.
3. I want a popsicle...and I'm pretty sure I spelled that wrong, but I don't really feel like changing it so you all will have to live with that.
4. PITCH PERFECT (the movie) WAS AMAZING! So I have been waiting for the movie to come out for months now and was disappointed when I couldn't see it opening night. However, my friend took me to go see it over the weekend and it is one of my new favorite movies. It was cute, funny, it had people singing (I'm a choir geek- don't judge), I loved the male lead (despite the fact that I was iffy about him in the beginning. I didn't want to like him for some reason, but he made me love him), they referenced The Breakfast Club (M, you would have loved it), and Anna Kendrick & Rebel Wilson are in it which made it 10 times better (I adore those two ladies).
5. I honestly can't remember anything else I was going to say. I'm really tired and will just have to pick this up again next time.
Sorry this wasn't like my usual posts, but I'll be back to my funny (just go with it), book loving self next post. Until then stay classy you guys :)
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