1. I watched this super adorably awkward movie called Return to Me and I absolutely adored it >.<
2. I re-read This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen and was again reminded of how much I love the main male characters in Dessen books <3
3. The exciting news is this: a book that I've recently read my 55 books list!!! It was a book that always caught my eye when I went to the public library and always debated on checking out. So after M's and I last book swap I checked out Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson and usually it's not the kind of book I would go for, but I was absolutely thrilled by it. I guess because it had some amazing aspects such as:
- a road trip :D
- romance
- humor
- over coming obstacles/doing what K wants to happen <3
So now I must bid you all a farewell until next time *tips hat*
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