"A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend."-Unknown
"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place."-Bender from The Breakfast Club
"Read to your heart's content. Though if you are a reader, the heart is never content."-from
Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Vas happening?!?

If we have any One Direction fans out there then you'll probably know that's what Zayn says in a lot of their youtube videos (M I know the look you're giving me, DON'T JUDGE ME!!!) At least I'm not one of those girls who are completely obsessed with them and get mad when they get a girlfriend. Plus I'm not convinced I'm in a relationship with them so it's all good. ANYWHO, I told M I was going to post last weekend, but as you all can see I didn't exactly get around to it :p This won't be a long post, but I have exciting news so let's get to it!
1. I watched this super adorably awkward movie called Return to Me and I absolutely adored it >.<
2. I re-read This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen and was again reminded of how much I love the main male characters in Dessen books <3
3. The exciting news is this: a book that I've recently read my 55 books list!!! It was a book that always caught my eye when I went to the public library and always debated on checking out. So after M's and I last book swap I checked out Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson and usually it's not the kind of book I would go for, but I was absolutely thrilled by it. I guess because it had some amazing aspects such as:

  • a road trip :D
  • romance
  • humor
  • over coming obstacles/doing what K wants to happen <3
It was amazing and it makes number 6 on my list of 55.
So now I must bid you all a farewell until next time *tips hat*

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