"A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend."-Unknown
"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place."-Bender from The Breakfast Club
"Read to your heart's content. Though if you are a reader, the heart is never content."-from
Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Long time, no blog

I've been listening to music constantly all day. I love music with every fiber of my being. I honestly don't know what I'd do without music. Actually I do, I'd go insane. If I don't have my headphones in then most likely I'm singing a song (aloud or in my head, depends who I'm with haha). I could go on forever talking about music, but I'll just say what I was originally going to. Currently listening to: Dance Again by Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull (we dance to this in zumba and I've been mildly obsessed with it *insert my sheepish grin here*
Oh and I would also like to give my deepest and most sincerest apologizes for not blogging often even though it's summer. I wish I had an excuse for my absence, but in all honesty I've just been extremely lazy and too caught up in reading fanfiction (my friend got me hooked on this website :p haha, but it's all good. I still love her anyways).
So, in case you haven't already noticed this is going to be a really random post purely because I don't feel like organizing my thoughts. Welcome to the inside of my brain *insert my evil grin and laughter here* Just kidding!!! Sorta, my mind isn't that bad...it's just a little all over the place (not sure if you already figured that out from previous posting...oh no my crazy is already showing via blog D:  hahaha, oh goodness. Okay, I'm sorry I'll try to chill *puts on serious face which quickly morphs into a smile) song: Show Me How to Live by Audio Slave

One of my best friends gets home from Colombia on Friday night!!! I'm super excited. I haven't seen her in a little over a month and have missed her greatly. I'm used to seeing her everyday since we live in the same apartment building. Since the day we met we've been practically inseparable. (song: Irene by tobyMac). So as soon as she gets home she's going to come visit me to say hi :) We have summer bucket list that we're going to quickly put into action when she gets back since she's moving to a different state at the beginning of August. I was heart broken when I found out she was moving, but I know she'll quickly make friends at her new school :)
Okaie doks now on to the book chatter!!! Hahaha, that reminded me of this talk show host Alan Carr: Chatty Man (he's hilarious and British). I shall be discussing several books with you all (if there's anyone even reading this post or managed to sit through my rambling-again sorry). So sit tight and enjoy my opinion on stuffs (song: A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes by the Disney Channel Co-stars. Don't judge me!)

Leap Day by Wendy Mass- This is the book M gave me on our last book swap. I finished it a month or soago and forgot to blog about it (it was my stress reliever book from studying for finals :p). I loved and disliked this book at the same time. If you liked this book don't get your undies in a twist. I'll explain what I didn't like about the book in a moment. I would like to say what I enjoyed about the book first if you don't mind (haha you don't really have a say since you're not here while I type this *smug smile* song: Breathe by Taylor Swift).
Pros of Leap Day:
1. I liked the "main" character
2. I enjoyed the twins. I don't really know why, but I pictured them to be adorable with a little child like innocence.
3. The family relationship was awesome because it was believable and could actually depict how an actual family would act around each other. I wasn't a huge fan of the mom though. I mean she was okay, but she irked me a little. Whoops sorry I'm supposed to be talking about good things. Lo siento (song: When You Look Me in the Eyes by the Jonas Brothers).
4. I thought the friendships between the friends was very sincere and true to real life.
5. You got to see into the minds of other characters and I'm a big fan of different point of views :)
Random note: you wouldn't know, but I just spent several minutes laughing at my older brother (who is almost 20 may I add) who was in bathroom squealing because there was a spider in there and he had a bit of trouble killing it. It was hilarious. song: Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz (if you haven't heard of it then stop reading right now and go youtube it. It's beautiful and I love it so much). Back to my review of Leap Day.
1. I feel like Mass was a little to flippy floppy in the POV and I felt a couple of the POV were unnecessary.
2. The guy the main character, Josie, was a jerk. That's not a reason why I didn't like the book (most guys us girls like end up to be jerks so whatever), I just wanted to point out that fact.  (song: Heaven by O.A.R)
3. There wasn't a third reason, but I had already typed the three so yeah...

Oh. My. Gods by Tera Lynn Childs- I must confess that I read the second book first, but it was completely by accident!!! I felt really bad about reading them out of order, but I didn't know and I did end up reading the first book!!! So it's all good. Forgive me? (song: Boomin' by tobyMac). Anywho, I enjoyed this book a lot. I'm not sure what it is, but I've always been fascinated by Greek mythology. I don't believe in it, but I think it's really cool and interesting. If you're into Greek mythology books then you should like this book. Especially if you enjoy some good romances and a few chick "fights" (nothing to major, I mean I enjoyed it *shrugs*). Oh M I think you should definitely read this book because the main character, Phoebe happens to be a cross country runner ;) (song: Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen). Sorry, but that's all I'll give you. If you haven't figured out yet I try not to give to many details because I'm afraid I'll give something away. Yeah, I'm paranoid like that. Just read the book so you can form your own opinion :)

I got the book Getting Over Garrett Delaney by Abby McDonald. It was part of my very belated birthday gift from my brother. Just so you know I'm about to go on a rant, but I'll let you know ahead time that my opinion of this book was pretty much the same as M's. In case you missed her description of it here ya go. M's thoughts on the book (it's number eight down if you want to read it right away).
(song: Black or White by Micheal Jackson). Okay now here's my rant:
I don't understand!!! There's two things I don't understand to be specific:
1. How can you wrap your life around someone, let alone a guy!??!
2. How can one guy be so flipping condescending, judgmental and a pompous jerk!!!???
3. How could Sadie not see what a butt face Garrett is??? -I know I said there was only two things, but I thought of this and yeah...
I'm sorry if you feel this gave away the book, but I don't think so and I think you need to read the book to see what I'm talking about. Plus, I kinda just loved the 'girl power' in this book for lack of better words. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but it reminded me a bit of Sarah Dessen's book Keeping the Moon (I think M will know what I mean when I say this). Oh, but I disliked the ending. I mean it was decent, but I didn't think it was a substantial ending for the same reason I felt the movie "The Vow" didn't have a substantial ending.

Song: Crawling by Linkin Park (if you haven't noticed I have a very...diverse music taste).

That's all the book reviews I have for you, but here's a list of what I now must do (reading wise):
1. Finish the Harry Potter series *insert my "I'm ashamed of myself" face here* I enjoy the series (well I'm kinda in love with them, but not the point) I just haven't had time and I also want to watch the movies while I read them so I can do comparisons. I'm sad to admit that I've seen all the books (and I watched them before I read the books. If you shun me I understand- song: Come Clean by Hilary Duff). Oh, but I had a very heated discussion/debate with my brother and mom about Twilight vs. Harry Potter. They were just trying to get me to see "logically" from a Twilight fans point of view. However, they just shut up when they realized I wasn't going to let up. I will take anyone head on in a debate on that matter. Don't EVER say that Twilight is just as good as the Harry Potter series (or better). I have read all four books in the Twilight series and it was pure torture seeing as I wanted to just kill the main character. Honestly through out the whole time I thought Stephanie Meyers was going to kill her off, that was my motivation to keep reading the books. (song: Who Says by Selena Gomez). I've never hated a main character as much as I hated Bella. The only thing I can praise Meyers for is her descriptive fight scenes (even though she didn't have the balls to kill off anyone important- sorry for the language, but it's true), her other characters in the story (I actually liked majority of the other characters in the story). However, I think the moral of the story was basically "If your boyfriend- who has to resist from killing you every second may I add- leaves you then your life no longer holds any meaning and you should worry everyone who cares about you by doing careless, stupid, dangerous things because the 'rush' reminds you of him" and just the whole plot of the books was completely idiotic. No. The Twilight series will can't even compare to the Harry Potter series. No, just flipping no. End of discussion.
Song: I Still Miss You by Hawk Nelson
2. Read Little Women by Louisa May Alcott so I can discuss it with my grandma
3. Re-read Saving Sailor by Renee Riva simply because it used to be one of my favorite books
4. Re-read the first two books in the Wings series by Aprilynne Pike (as a refresher) so I can read the last two books
5. Get the fourth book in the Mortal Instruments series (M I still would like for you to at least give the first book a shot, but I understand your hesitation and I won't push since I'm already making you listen to country music ;]).
6. Read and annotate The Golden Fleece and the heroes who lived before Achilles (I told you I'm into Greek mythology...I wasn't kidding). ---Song: Superman by Taylor Swift

7. Read Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen for the millionth time then watch all the different movie versions of the book, while saving the Keira (spell check???) Knightly version for last <3
8. Not book related but I'm going to spend a whole day eating junk while watching the whole sixth season of 
Gilmore Girls :)

Before I wrap up this post I have to mention this other blog on tumblr. I found it through Pintrest a few days ago and I really like it. It reminds me of the book Waiting for You by Susane Colasanti (picture of the cover at the right). Anywho, I think the guy is pretty cool, but I don't know who he is. That's the whole point. He gives advice to random people, but refuse to post a picture of himself (despite many girls asking him to). It's to prove his point that looks are not the most important thing in life and just because you don't need to know what he looks like for him to give you advice. That's one of the things I think is awesome about the guy. He also will answer questions about himself if asked. Anyway his blog is pretty cool. It's called theCRAZYtruth. Check it out if you get the chance.

Okaie doks that's all I have energy to type for now. Until next time book lovers. I bid you a goodbye *tips imaginary hat* song: Live Like We're Dying by Kris Allen.

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