1. I tried to get my mom to take me to the bookstore today to get Out of Sight, Out of Time, but she knew what I was up to and said no :p
Although I will continue asking her until I come out victorious!
2. I'm reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte for an English assignment (we got to pick the book off of a list our teacher gave us). I was super excited to read it, but now that I've started it I'm not all that pumped about it. Granted I'm only on page 18, but that's not the point. I'm seriously considering just switching to reading Jane Eyre.
3. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver-
Honestly one of the worst books I've ever read (I'm sorry if you enjoyed it, but I didn't). To make this easy I'm going to do a comparison of what I didn't like about the book to what I did enjoy.
What I didn't like:
-The main character
-The main characters friends
-The choices the main character makes
What I liked:
-The cover of the book
-Kent (a character in the book <3)
-I got it for $2 at Good Will instead of the $17 if I was to buy it from a bookstore
Yeah so I'm pretty sure the rest is self explanatory.
I finished the whole series in a week. I was very reluctant to start the series because of all the hype about the book and I was afraid of being let down. From enough peer pressure I finally caved and I fell in love. Suzanne Collins knows how to make you love almost every character even when you shouldn't because of what you know is going to happen to them. I cried several times throughout each of the three books. That is actually a shocker too because I normally can hold back from crying (I blame hormones haha). Despite my love for the books I'm still not quite sure on how I feel about the ending of the books. Anyways I highly recommend everyone reading the series. It's amazing and worth reading <3
Now, I'm extremely excited to go see the movie when it comes out! Hopefully it won't let me down.THE HUNGER GAMES
5. Icing on the Lake (long over due review on the book from book swap)
Overall I enjoyed the book. The main character reminded me a lot of myself so she was easy to relate to.
It was kinda predictable and I'm a bit iffy on the ending of the book, but it was very cute and fun to read when there was snow still on the ground here.
Hum...anyways I think that's about it. Until tomorrow (the book swap with M!) my fellow bookworms!
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