"A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend."-Unknown
"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place."-Bender from The Breakfast Club
"Read to your heart's content. Though if you are a reader, the heart is never content."-from
Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jane Austen Book Club and Other Thoughts and Stuff

Ok, so I had every intention of following through with the Jane Austen Book Club blog that I had, but several things happened...
  • no one joined or showed interest in participating
  • i dont have enough time to read the books
  • it's too much to take on right now
So, with sadness I must say that the Jane Austen Book Club blog is done, deleted, and history. Maybe someday it will work out, but just not today.
Which means that I've stopped reading Emma and have moved on down the stack to The Espressologist by: Kristina Springer (which is based off of Emma). It takes place in Illinois i think so that can check off my 50 States Challenge when/if  i finish it. I'm hoping that this modern-day version will be an easier read and a quicker read as I feel like I've been reading Emma forever and am only on page 12 or so. Just an FYI, if you ever see a book disappear from "the stack" or "currently reading" without reappearing on the "books i've read" list, that means that i've stopped reading it or that i've returned it to the library.
So lately I've been kind of discouraged when I think about this blog because I'm beginning to think that the words I type are for my eyes only and that no one else actually reads. is this true? honestly, yes probably. however, until now i've tried to remain optimistic about it. well that's obviously working well. it kind of reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite movies, Sydney White:

"The People’s Punisher is not about being read, it’s about being written.”

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