"A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend."-Unknown
"Screws fall out all the time, the world's an imperfect place."-Bender from The Breakfast Club
"Read to your heart's content. Though if you are a reader, the heart is never content."-from
Paper Covers Rock by Jenny Hubbard

Monday, January 24, 2011

50 States Challenge

So, I've encountered a reading challenge that I've decided to take on. I have to read books that take place in each of the 50 states for at least the majority of the book. Re-reads count (at least in my rule book). Anyone interested in taking a road trip around the USA (through books) I highly encourage to try this out. Please post any comments or if you're interested please link your progress. Deadline: December 31, 2011. So far I've already knocked off 4: Washington, Maine, Minnesota, and South Carolina....only 46 left! (and i'm counting books that i've read since the start of this blog which was pretty close to the start of the year anyway. http://book-obsessed.blogspot.com/2010/11/50-states-reading-challenge-2011-sign.html
Happy Reading :)

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