So, I checked out the book The Juliet Club by Suzanne Harper a little while ago from the library and decided to finally read it when I woke up at 2 (almost 3 in the morning). I told myself I would only read a few chapters to get a feel of the book, but I couldn't put it down. I chose the book because of the title and I thought the cover of the book was pretty cool. After reading the summary of the book I decided to give it a try. I absolutely loved this book. Why you ask? Well let me list the reasons:
1. Part of the place took place in Verona. As in Verona, Italy!!! I want to travel all over Europe and Verona is one of those places. Maybe the author was making up what it was like to be there, but I honestly don't care. It made me long for the warm sun casting a friendly glow on everything the light touches. The smell of fresh goods all around you. The easy, cool air lifting your clothes slightly off your's amazing and made me wish I was there.
2. There was romance. Pretty cliched romance (but in my opinion that was the whole point). So yes, I was able to predict the ending, but more often than not I can. Plus, it ended the way I wanted it to so I'm perfectly content :)
3. It switches points of views. I love getting to see a glimpse into other characters minds in a story. What they were thinking in a specific moment. It's enlightening and gives new perspective and allows you to see the situation as whole (which they do debate in the book- small spoiler I guess, but trust me it doesn't ruin anything for you).
-I loved every characters thought process. While I made have moments of frustration with them that is what makes a great book.
4. The main-ish character Kate: She's a person who thinks everything is set in stone, that everything has to be logical. So seeing her unravel and realize that not everything will makes is rather endearing. Plus, our views on Romeo and Juliet are quite similar. Although, I saw the play a little differently after reading this novel. However, my opinion on it is still pretty much the same and Kate had a wonderful way of summing it up, "The poetry is amazing, but the plot sucks." If I butchered that quote I apologize, but I got the gist of it correct ;)
5. It had an epilogue, I kinda wish it was longer or went further into the future, but I fear that if that happened the book wouldn't be the same.
6. There was romance and I'm a sucker for romance <3 Especially romance as adorable as the one(s) in this story.
So, with all that said The Juliet Club makes number 7 on my List of 55 :)
I'm just going to end this on that good note. Happy reading!!!